The orange bars are standard AAA game development time, that honestly needs to drop down to 3 years or less but...
Red bars is if they went over the 4 year mark.
Judging by this graph, I think people need to get their expectations in check about RT.
Yes, it's true that RT is weaker on consoles, but we are a far way of understanding what the consoles are actually capable of in terms of RT.
Many games are designed today not from the ground up with RT, and we've only seen 1 AAA title released in that sense, even then, it's still a remake of existing game. I wouldn't call it a full ground up, but it fully requires RT hardware to play.
Games releasing this year were still only being 2019+ or 2020+ shortly after the release.
How long will it be for last gen to truly die off - 2024, games that started development in 2021+
How long will it be for pure RT games to arrive, 2024+
If Gen 1 of games is 2017 - 2023 - basically games that all started development before the next gen consoles were released, then, effectively the 2nd generation of games that started development following
would be 2021 - 2024
3rd generation would be 2023+ started development which lands around 2026 at the earliest, thus, mature RT titles.
edit: aw fack, the orange bars are for 3 years and red bars are for 4 years. Damn, it should have been 4 years and 5 years. Even worse!