Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion Archive [2015]

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You sure about that bro?

Make sure your browser isn't resizing (supersampling) the shot. It's a jpg and all that so does suffer from compression artefacts, but the left shot still seems to be keep more road texture detail into the distance.
I totally agree. If performance is the reason, then they'd have been better dropping resolution and turning on the aniso. Then again, if it'd help the poor frame rate they should have dropped X1 resolution too.

But then they couldn't claim 1080p. And we all know that 1080p is the only thing that matters [/sarcasm]. Everything must be sacrificed for it on PS4 if possible. ;)

You sure about that bro?

Make sure your browser isn't resizing (supersampling) the shot. It's a jpg and all that so does suffer from compression artefacts, but the left shot still seems to be keep more road texture detail into the distance.

AF on/off is usually really obvious. Since they tell you which pic is which you can then imagine the difference you are expecting. The differences are almost non existent.
I really don't see the difference as being none existent. I think that there is a difference in texture filtering.

I fully understand that not everyone would see this, however.
Could it be that the texture resolution is higher in the PC version? One reference point I'm looking at is the crack in the paint in the first white stripe. To me the cracks in the paint are noticeably more detailed in the PC version.
Digital Foundry - Performance Analysis: Battlefield Hardline beta

DF said:
While hopes for a substantial technological evolution have been tempered with the release of this beta, we're still looking forward to seeing the final game - particularly on PC, where the scalability of the Frostbite 3 engine remains capable of some beautiful results. As things stand, it seems that console owners can at least expect performance on par or better than Battlefield 4, with the new game modes in particular potentially offering a more stable experience due to their slightly more constricted design. We'll have in-depth coverage of Visceral's work closer to the March 20th European release date.
The Xbox 360 was a BEAST back in the day. I think developers thought it was so powerful back then that they went all luxurious with it at launch day. I mean, ports like Quake 2 -featured in the article linked below- and games like Perfect Dark Zero enjoyed some of the best textures the X360 ever had.

Developers don't make textures and PD:Z was 640P no AA and quite ugly. I remember buying that Q2 port (bundled w/Doom 3 think?), I don't think I spent any time playing it though.
=( I would like a more technical analysis than just it's the best looking game out there! Some shimmery AA artifacts. I think, and maybe this is a good thing, but RAD had hit a point where it's very challenging to discern features, the quality is only improving. Much to look forward to in the coming years.
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