Well it is a bad premise imo and their result does show that by the way, it's a pretty limited picture, ramp the resolution an you should see more differences.
And by the way they compare 2 cards with 200% the ROPS thoughput of Durango, the difference is not only in extra ALUs power.
Overall the whole article still pretend to rate the Orbis vs Durango and fails imo.
I think that Bonaire vs the HD7870 both at 800MHxz was a better match (+memory speed tweaks as much as doable), as we speak of a 5% difference in CU.
Then we had 26 vs 32 ROPS, I would have wanted to see the impact of AA, frame rate data, of resolution as well of the impact of CPU limitation. But also how those cards behave with soft V-sync.
I think that data like this could prove interesting too:
But those data are more of less available elsewhere as those links shows.
They also could have run some compute tasks (on the GPU) and measure the impact on perfs, etc.
Anyway, not really their best article imo.