I see various people commenting and showing the artifacting and other issues that DLSS4 exhibits in this DF video, but I really hope they keep in mind what DF were clear to point out about frame persistence being much lower. Once you're in the 240hz+ zone these frames are displaying so fast that I'm sure most people wouldn't see them or think they're that bad. Their capture setup isn't even capturing half the frames that the GPU produces, and Youtube also isn't able to display every frame captured.. and that's at 50% speed reduction to bring more attention to these very issues.
Obviously there's artifacts, there's some obvious issues still.. but we're not getting the full representative experience at this point. We don't play games 400x zoomed in on a group of pixels, and we're not slowing things down half speed to show all the frames over a period of time either.. so it's more important than ever that the player experience is discussed in better detail. How does it feel? How does it look? How does it present to the player.. as compared to the previous generation products.. not just numbers.. because they're becoming increasingly more irrelevant every generation.
Obviously there's artifacts, there's some obvious issues still.. but we're not getting the full representative experience at this point. We don't play games 400x zoomed in on a group of pixels, and we're not slowing things down half speed to show all the frames over a period of time either.. so it's more important than ever that the player experience is discussed in better detail. How does it feel? How does it look? How does it present to the player.. as compared to the previous generation products.. not just numbers.. because they're becoming increasingly more irrelevant every generation.