It is no doubt a sad showing, but load can vary wildly depending upon the scene - both in area and time of day (night can deliver 50%+ boost to framerate). Even in an area without heavy use of God rays which can really impact Nvidia in particular on Ultra (there's a mod which fixes this), I can easily drop below 30fps on my 3060 at 4K/Ultra (no HBAO or physx) - hell even 4k/high will teter close to the 30fps edge - so I'd have to see where that measurement of the 290x was taken. PS5/SX can be around 3060ti in pure raster performance, so they would still need to employ cut back settings or dynamic res heavily to maintain 4k/60, even with more attention given to this port.
edit: Just putting the shadow distance and godrays to medium, leaving everything else at Ultra more than doubles my framerate to a solid 60 at 4k, yowza
Looking at this video the 1080ti runs at locked 60fps around 90% of the time.
So I still don't think there's any reason why these consoles don't just offer a single mode that's native 4k/60fps.
Maybe it would require the odd setting tweak but there should be no reason for dynamic resolution or the need to offer a 30fps mode.