I think we should wait for the Witcher 3 to see what actually appears given that's on an even vaguer timeline than Cyberpunk. Metro, Doom and Skyrim all had free updates from last gen to this gen, although Skyrim didn't from the original generation jump. GTA V gets no free generational updates on consoles, and nor did Mass Effect didn't offer that either. FIFA 2022 only gets the free update if you bought the bonkers expensive edition, otherwise you have to pay.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey got a frame rate unlock but older games. Watch Dogs 2 got nothing. Diablo III got nothing. Far Cry 6 had a free patch, but not Far Cry 5. Greed Fall, so did Jedi Fallen Order. Fallout 4 got nothing. The Arkham games got nothing. Dragon Quest XI got nothing. Just Cause 4 got nothing. None of the zillion Lego games got anything. Shadow of War/Mordor got nothing. Tomb Raider got noting. Outer Worlds got nothing. Dying Light got nothing.
Most definitely not "almost all". The closer games have released to the launch of this generation of consoles, the better then it tales off wit a nit of a boost for games which operate as GaaS (Destiny, Call of Duty, No Man's Sky, Warframe etc) but a ton of games got nothing.
Easily, and overwhelmingly, most last generation games release got nothing.