Digital Foundry Article Technical Discussion [2022]

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I guess I'll be the curmudgeon here, but I cant imagine wanting to play a game like this on a handheld device at such reduced quality.

Like, one of the big selling points of these blockbuster PS4 exclusives were their incredible presentation levels. And while obviously the results here on Steam Deck are ok, the graphics have clearly taken a serious hit and you're missing out heavily on this selling point of the presentation levels. They are by far best experienced on a proper console/PC and large display. And I would absolutely make sure that's how I did play it. Sure, it's neat that I could play it away from the house or something, but I'd much prefer to just wait til I'm home to play it there in its full glory. Not like there aren't many other games that are far more suitable for handheld to play instead.

I agree here but yeah, many like the steam deck. I have a laptop (Asus G15), its not as mobile, but it does give me the full experience. I wont be going for something like a steam deck or gaming on a tablet/mobile phone.
Like, one of the big selling points of these blockbuster PS4 exclusives were their incredible presentation levels. And while obviously the results here on Steam Deck are ok, the graphics have clearly taken a serious hit and you're missing out heavily on this selling point of the presentation levels. They are by far best experienced on a proper console/PC and large display. And I would absolutely make sure that's how I did play it. Sure, it's neat that I could play it away from the house or something, but I'd much prefer to just wait til I'm home to play it there in its full glory. Not like there aren't many other games that are far more suitable for handheld to play instead.

Are there many AAA games that you would enjoy playing portably? Your post leads me to believe your simply not very interested in playing those types of games portably. On a 7" screen, a lot of cut backs aren't really all that noticeable. LOD pop in sticks out like a sore thumb on a large display, but on a 7" screen not so much. This basically applies to most things. Textures can be lower res, shadow quality reduced, reflections less accurate and yet it will still look remarkably similar to what you look at on a larger display.
I guess I'll be the curmudgeon here, but I cant imagine wanting to play a game like this on a handheld device at such reduced quality.

Like, one of the big selling points of these blockbuster PS4 exclusives were their incredible presentation levels. And while obviously the results here on Steam Deck are ok, the graphics have clearly taken a serious hit and you're missing out heavily on this selling point of the presentation levels. They are by far best experienced on a proper console/PC and large display. And I would absolutely make sure that's how I did play it. Sure, it's neat that I could play it away from the house or something, but I'd much prefer to just wait til I'm home to play it there in its full glory. Not like there aren't many other games that are far more suitable for handheld to play instead.
Shrunk down to the size of the screen, you're hard pressed to notice the downgrades in my experience.

That said... in it's current state, I feel Spider-man is still just a little bit too much. You can get it very consistent at 30, but there's some drops here and there still. I really hope Nixxes is able to squeeze some extra optimization into the game and get it the rest of the way there. It's soo close.

But God of War is *chef's kiss*
According to DF its close enough to the PS5 version in actual experience. Mainly due to the small screen and extremely low resolution, theres quite much headroom.
According to DF its close enough to the PS5 version in actual experience. Mainly due to the small screen and extremely low resolution, theres quite much headroom.
Visually it looks incredible, even at a mix of medium/low settings with textures on high. It's surprisingly faithful. There's times in Spider-Man and God of War where I've literally just shook my head in amazement at what is being rendered in real time on that device. The cinematics look simply incredible and run very well.

The only knocks against Spider-man is the framedrops and stutters while swinging in the open world (which is a challenge for all PCs really currently) , and the breakup it causes for the both reconstruction techs included in the game while swinging fast.

It's literally SO close. Between Nixxes and Valve with Deck updates, I'm hoping it can be solved... because even as it is, it's crazy impressive... but juuuust shy from excellence.
Visually it looks incredible, even at a mix of medium/low settings with textures on high. It's surprisingly faithful. There's times in Spider-Man and God of War where I've literally just shook my head in amazement at what is being rendered in real time on that device. The cinematics look simply incredible and run very well.

The only knocks against Spider-man is the framedrops and stutters while swinging in the open world (which is a challenge for all PCs really currently) , and the breakup it causes for the both reconstruction techs included in the game while swinging fast.

It's literally SO close. Between Nixxes and Valve with Deck updates, I'm hoping it can be solved... because even as it is, it's crazy impressive... but juuuust shy from excellence.

Its a testament to Nixxes for doing PC ports as they should be done. As a pc gamer they are very welcomed to the platform. They promised to improve CPU performance so theres that. Will help the steam deck version too.
And yeah, Valve really killed it with the Deck. Im personally not intrested in handheld gaming, but as i said before, theres clearly a large market for it. Impressive what the device can do at so little watts/power usage.
Its a testament to Nixxes for doing PC ports as they should be done. As a pc gamer they are very welcomed to the platform. They promised to improve CPU performance so theres that. Will help the steam deck version too.
And yeah, Valve really killed it with the Deck. Im personally not intrested in handheld gaming, but as i said before, theres clearly a large market for it. Impressive what the device can do at so little watts/power usage.
I don't want to get too off topic too long because all our posts will be removed.. but yes, I absolutely LOVE my Steam Deck. There's so many games that are just PERFECT for it.

I wont even lie, with all these big budget AAA Sony games coming to PC, it's REALLY interesting to see how the Steam Deck handles them. It also adds another genuinely interesting point of comparison for Digital Foundry to analyze. Regardless of whether they all perform perfectly or not, it's always cool to see them compared and to see how close they get.

And on top of that, the market for these devices seems to be growing, and there's plenty of competition. Seeing how many of these game already run great, and how some are juuust shy of that... you know full well that in the near future there will be handheld devices that will run them better than ever. I really hope Valve finds enough success to warrant continued development of future Decks.
Are there many AAA games that you would enjoy playing portably? Your post leads me to believe your simply not very interested in playing those types of games portably. On a 7" screen, a lot of cut backs aren't really all that noticeable. LOD pop in sticks out like a sore thumb on a large display, but on a 7" screen not so much. This basically applies to most things. Textures can be lower res, shadow quality reduced, reflections less accurate and yet it will still look remarkably similar to what you look at on a larger display.
There are some AAA games where there's parts of them I wouldn't mind playing in portable mode. If I'm doing some grinding or whatever, or if it's older/something I've played already. But otherwise no, for a modern AAA game that has 'top class presentation values' as one of its main appeals, I wouldn't want to play it on a handheld system if I had any other choice.

As for the idea that graphical cutbacks aren't that noticeable cuz of the smaller screen, I absolutely do not agree at all. You may get away with more aggressive LoD far off, but actual object pop-in and whatnot is still perfectly noticeable. Texture resolution can be reduced a bit, but not to a huge degree. Shadows are fine to reduce, sure(not even a big deal on a bigger screen much of the time). And one of the big drawbacks of heavily reduced resolution is the added aliasing. Less so jaggies, and more artifacting and just a generally unstable looking image, especially in motion. Makes it look noticeably rougher.

And 7" isn't exactly some tiny screen, especially when you're playing it about a foot away from your face. The graphics elements are still pretty noticeable.

Again, it's very neat that it's at all possible to do, and quite interesting just from a tech curiosity standpoint, but I still think you're missing out bigtime if you're not playing it on a larger screen and with something a bit more powerful that can let it shine.
May just be me but I'd like to see all studios:
1. Reasonable fps lock, doesn't even need to be DF level locks
2. Unlock fps option on every mode
3. You would think DRS is a pretty much solved issue for big titles
4. Possibly some form of reconstruction, but this is just a nice to have. So last on list.

This title manages to not have any of these. 2 doesn't count because its not an option.
The motion blur is so strong in Saints Row. I wouldn't be able to play the game if you couldn't disable it. When simply moving the camera it makes your character see like The Flash trying to vibrate/phase through things.

Hopefully they have a series of patches to address the glitches and graphical issues in the first month or so. It seems buggier on the PS5 from what I've read in other posts.
I always thought it didn't look 'right' compared to when I played it on PS and now seeing this, this is it...

It's the sharpening, I could never put my finger on what it was.....

Thanks for sharing..
Yes, sharpening filter. That's the same trick used by Xbox One launch games against PS4 ones. Very odd that Nixxes thought it was necessary. Nobody complained the PS5 game was not sharp enough as far as I know.
Yes, sharpening filter. That's the same trick used by Xbox One launch games against PS4 ones. Very odd that Nixxes thought it was necessary. Nobody complained the PS5 game was not sharp enough as far as I know.
I wonder if there's a Hex edit to enable Direct Storage in the game, we know the game has it as it's referenced in some of the files.

I wonder what state the implementation is in?
I always thought it didn't look 'right' compared to when I played it on PS and now seeing this, this is it...

It's the sharpening, I could never put my finger on what it was.....

Thanks for sharing..

It's not really the sharpening, at least not the issue with the egregious specular aliasing which is the most prominent difference in image stability. I tried this and it made very little difference. It's primarily an issue with their DLSS implementation.

We also have no idea if the PS5 isn't using some level of sharpening either.
It's not really the sharpening, at least not the issue with the egregious specular aliasing which is the most prominent difference in image stability. I tried this and it made very little difference. It's primarily an issue with their DLSS implementation.

We also have no idea if the PS5 isn't using some level of sharpening either.
I did the hex edit mod last night and it was the sharpening that was the problem that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Game looks loads better now with it off.
I wonder if there's a Hex edit to enable Direct Storage in the game, we know the game has it as it's referenced in some of the files.

I wonder what state the implementation is in?
Unless the DirectStorage APIs are 100% identical to the regular file I/O, then you wouldn't just be able to swallow one set of API calls for another.

If it was that easy, Microsoft could just implement an option higher up in the OS, along the lines of the compatibility flags.
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