I think that’s just decades of training speaking there.I think a part of the issue is that people on here are "experts", the average gamer will not be able to say when RT is on/off or quantifiably point out when/why RT is better in a picture.
And on here the discussion is on if the reflection in the eyeballs of a char is correct or not. Something you only see if you stop and zoom in.
As for the above picture, I instinctually gravitate toward the OFF picture, but when I see that is OFF and the other is ON and start to look closer, I think that RT is more correct, but at the same time, i feel it is a bland picture. I want artistic lightning as in my tv shows/movies it seems.
I believe in artistic lighting for cutscenes, but gameplay should be realistic. You’re going to get a better and more varied results out of the emotions just due to dynamism.
Give players back control of their games!