Failing to see why Dying Light is such a 'miracle' port and I feel that John needs to tone the Nintendo fanboy down.
Switch may have less power then Xbox One and base PS4 but it's GPU hardware has the exact same features as GCN which makes porting much simpler as they won't have to remove rendering features or come up with clever solutions to emulate one.
Granted the developers should get some praise for making the right cuts in the right areas and preserving the games 'look' but in no way is this a 'miracle' port like John makes it out to be, simply turn 'X' settings down until the game runs at an acceptable quality.
Whaaat? It absolutely is a miracle port. The PS4 is a 150 watt console, Switch is a 15 watt handheld. The difference in visual quality is so small when considering how much more powerful the PS4 really is. The port looks great and Switch comes much closer to the consoles than usual.