Another idea for future RT title on PC, I don't know if this is possible but maybe having different resolution by roughness can help performance. Mative resolution help a lot for mirror like reflection and they cost less than more diffuse reflection. Maybe a setting with mirror reflection at native resolution and more rough reflection at 1/2 or 1/4 res is possible.
The same idea can apply to console but with lower res reflection.
No idea if this is possible.
I'm guessing here, this may totally not be the reason, but... I would speculate the reason rough reflections perform worse is because they already need
more resolution in order to look good. Quick definitions: there are three kinds of 'resolution' to worry about with RT:
1- pixel resolution (duh)
2- temporal resolution (for accumulation -- rt effects are inherently random, and you need to accumulate over several frames to hope for having enough of the third type...)
samples, rays per pixel.
With a sharp reflection, you can get away with about 1 sample per ray* and get a decent result. That's because with a mirror-like reflection, there's no randomness needed, the ray always reflects the same direction
With rough reflections, this isn't the case -- you approximate a rough reflection by
randomizing the reflection angle. This breaks down immediately and becomes
incredibly noisy. The way you counteract that is use more
samples -- take multiple reflection bounces, each with a different random seed, and average out the results.
*(It's not
quite one ray per -- you always want multiple samples that are very slightly jittered to provide anti aliasing and prevent artifacts)
I suspect how RT reflections work is that as roughness increases, the renderer produces more and more sample bounce rays. Cutoffs are provided to avoid the exponential growth in cost. Anybody who's read the docs or played around with this here who could correct me?