Unknown Soldier
That $450 probably doesn't include packaging, distribution (possibly including air freight) and storage for what's probably going to be a pretty large and heavy device. Also won't include any kind of retailer margin.
So what. If the console is $450 to make, you think packaging etc. is $50? No! They could sell it at $500 and still make a profit, albeit a small one. But selling 10 million consoles by March 2021 and I bet Sony will be smiling even if the profit margin on the PS5 was only $10.
Given that Sony will maybe want to show shareholders some kind of profit from the huge revenue generated by the console sales, and that pricing may want offer some wiggle room in case of exchange rate fluctuation (America is a turbulent place right now), and that Sony are currently utterly dominant, I could see them pushing for $549 or even $599 at launch.
There's no need to sell it at $549 or $599, that could just slow down there sales however I am sure even at those prices that the PS5 would sell. But why do it if their plan is to get people to buy the PS5 as quickly as possible. The quickest way is to sell at $500 and $450(DE).
Sure but again there's no need if they can sell at the prices I mentioned and still make a profit. Their future profits will all come from software sales like it did this gen. Sony made Billions in profit due to those software sales and not hardware sales.They can always drop the price after the first ten or twenty million have sold. Demand is going to outstrip supply this Christmas, even at $600 I reckon.
I think so too. And this explains the XSS. I'm starting to think $299 minimum for the XSS. Maybe even $399 if it has an optical drive and controller, and XSX/PS5 are going for something like $599.
So you say the PS5 will be $600 but the XBSS will only be $300?
Sony has games to sell, BC won't be it's selling point. That said I expect most of the 4000 PS4 games will be playable on the PS5.If XSS is a fully fledged alternative it really needs optical. Especially given how big a selling point back compat is.
We'll have to wait and see what 343 can deliver. Hopefully it looks way better than what was shown.Plus, co-op! Some pretty crazy stuff can go off in Halo, and two players can stress the game with more crazy stuff than just one. If Halo Infinite can pull off 60 fps on X1, or even just X1X (like Gears 5), I'll be suitably impressed.