No offence to you, but I am not going to spend the time on the weekend to make a 30 Minute Video disecting every Single Thing wrong in the demo. That would, for one, be unprecedented for DF to go so Hard into a Trailer, and two, be a waste of time and beyond nitpicky. I also cannot give as eloquent logical deductions to explain why other aspects are the way they are, lighting is much more easily explained from a how and why stand point. Beyond saying that the LOD distance and Art decisions were questionable, what more can I really say that is informative and gives context to them? I already sacraficed my saturday and Friday after working last weekend and covered the topic I personally viewed as most egregious.
If me spending 18 minutes to explain why a Trailer looks poor (which df has literally never done, we have never done a video about a Trailer that only describes all of it's faults) comes off as sucking up to MS or going easy on it, then I am not sure what I can say. The fact that people think this video is about excusing something boggles my mind, it is one of the most negative and sobering things I think I have ever produced.
Yes well said. I tried to explain before that a 18 minute video can't cover all the aspects as to why it looks underwhelming. Lighting is one of the biggest reasons and it was a good choice to cover that one as it has such a big impact. You even noted clearly that lighting is not the sole problem.
What should you have done then, a 18 minute rant and complain video that it looks dull? No, its better to try explain why it looks flat, and hope for improvements, which are certainly not impossible and bound to happen down the road.
Some people say very un-nice things, but that comes with the job, its the internets It's only a small goup of people disliking your content.
Your a great addition to the DF team, expanding PC gaming and excellent coverage on tech, in special when ray tracing came about, what we could expect, and SSD performance in SC. I think they applied nicely to the next gen hardware.
Hope you dont take it personal when people say you dont belong to DF and the damage control claims, B3D is a quite serious place otherwise.