VG Tech just made a video comparing Valhalla on both machines. The framerate is actually very similar between both versions. But still, the framerate seems to be a tiny bit better on PS5 judging by the
Anyone know if PS5 was the lead platform for the next-gen versions? Hearing that its devkits have been more mature than the Series systems, that would at least suggest it was the lead platform, which in addition to the difference in devkit maturity would play an impact on the differences we're seeing, imho.
My feeling is that people just looked at the paper specs and declared XBSX the faster console without proof and now everyone is in shock and awe when they see actual software running on both systems. Now you have the classic looking for scapegoats crap as to why that is when they believed the opposite for so long. "TFs" is the new "Bits" after all
It's not that simple though. Now, I was never really on the "hype train" (maybe better to call it fanboy train) that Series X was going to decimate PS5 or some of the stuff trying to push PS5 as a "9.2, sometimes 10.3" RDNA 1 etc. system. All the same, it's probably a bit premature to use these early launch games as indicators of where the systems will fall in terms of performance to one another once the heavy-hitting next-gen games start to arrive.
And in fairness, if people want to do that, that is perfectly fine. But that should probably also apply to the SSD I/O results we're seeing too because MS's systems are performing a lot closer with Sony's in that regard than what spec details given earlier would've implied. And in that example, there's the recent firmware patch for some games on PS4 that kind of give weight to the idea that, IMO, Sony and MS's approaches are just tackling the same problem in different ways which is why using the basic specs listed on paper there was never really applicable.
For things outside of the data I/O scope? Again, can't really just go with paper specs, but I'd say the systems are much closer architecturally speaking in that regard, since they're more reliant on AMD's own technologies there. I won't be surprised if there's a few more launch games that have somewhat better performance on PS5, or better-than-expected load times and streaming on Series X (or better load times in general). In fact there'll probably be one-off examples throughout the generation of these kind of "surprises" popping in.
But I do think we still need to wait a while until at least more 3P devs get the updated Gamecore SDKs from MS. There are still things PS5 will be easier to work with, like the memory setup for example, but I think performances will even out a bit more in terms of 3P offerings across the board starting shortly after the launch window offerings.