Digi's heart is doing great!

Im actually surprised you can use patches personally now that I think of it. Every time I put one on I get a massive rash. :LOL: I got sensitised after I used them for a while.
Reminds me of one of my friends who swapped his cigarette addiction for one to nicotine lozenges and made absolutely no attempt to give them up for a few years. I did try to playfully mock him into having a go at quitting the lozenges but, in the end, I think his wife's nagging did the trick!
Well I'll find out a lot more tomorrow. I get stress tested in the morning after the do a blood panel on me, gotta fast tonight.

I'm happy it's moving along quickly, and I'll find out more soon. I feel like I'm in a bit of a limbo right now. :???:
That's good, those tests will show where things stand.

I don't know if I talked about this online or not, but I had a wee-bit of a health scare earlier this year. Had to do a stress test, and because I do about 2.5-3 hours of cardio a week the nurse had trouble getting my heart rate as high as she wanted. So she ended up putting the tread mill on a Alpine pass angle and jacked the speed up, but then couldn't find the tech who was supposed to inject the isotropic shot. So I had to maintain that for about 5 minutes while she found him, which wasn't a problem, but afterwards she kept apologizing saying how that would've killed a lot of her other patients (heart was in the high 170s toward the end).

Test results came back, showed an ejection fraction in the 30s. Wife is a RN who's worked cardiac units for years, so she was none too pleased despite knowing if it were truly that low I wouldn't be able to walk across a room without issue. So off I go for a echocardiogram several weeks later, which ended up showing a slightly enlarged heart (due to age and past weight issues. . .used to weigh just shy of 300 lbs a decade ago after a childhood of ribs sticking out). So my occasional chest pain is most likely from the enlarged heart.
Sorry to hear, you're going to a cardio regularly now...right? Any meds? I just got some new beta-blockers for blood pressure, scary thing is I can feel the difference. :???:

Isotropic shot? I'm gonna get a shot? :oops:
Ok, I'm a little freaked out now. Just got a call from the cardio guy to tell me what to do/expect tomorrow and he explained it's a nuclear stress test and it'll take about 4 hours. :oops:

I thought it was like 20 minutes of running on a treadmill! :oops:
Sorry to hear, you're going to a cardio regularly now...right? Any meds? I just got some new beta-blockers for blood pressure, scary thing is I can feel the difference.

Isotropic shot? I'm gonna get a shot?

Yeah, before and after. I've been doing fairly routine exercise since I came off that weight years ago. Hell, at age 46 I still like to eat, so if I don't exercise I'd balloon right back up there.

They inject isotropes so they can check for blockages after getting your heart up. At least they did with me.

Now, a nuke stress test I've never heard of.
Digi , Last sept I weighed 345lbs at 6'4. I had enough of it. I started walking every day and before i knew it , I was down to 290lbs after 6 months. I hit 260lbs this sept however I got stuck. But i'm now down to 240lbs and very friggen happy.

Believe it or not your shape on the kinect is giving me a hell of a work out , my legs hurt like hell and I've lost the last 8lbs since getting kinect .

I still eat badly though esp now with the mc rib back ... damn i go an dget a mc rib meal and 10 piece nuggets. So I'm trying to cut back on that , the good thing(well its not good except for loosing weight ) but my gf is allergic to dairy and eggs , so I'm eating even better than before because of her.

I hope everything goes well for you and remember , I lost 50lbs over 6 months by simply walking for 2 hours a day listening to podcasts. i know your a father and its hard to find time for yourself , but its amazing what you can do with little time.
Yeah, I'm planning on doing something along those lines with the pool next year....part of the reason for the move. ;)

Today I am not nervous, I'm my usual scared-shitless before medical procedures. :rolleyes: Fortunately I hide my panic well. Got half the kids to school and the wife off to work, one more and then I get to go in.

I'm looking forward to getting it over with, smelling coffee this morning and not being able to have any was maddening! :???:
Well I tried to get stress tested today, at the very least I do feel very stressed. :???:

Got there 45 minutes before my stress test like I was told to get blood work done, but the blood work lady apparently doesn't show up until noon on Wednesdays. Waited for the stress test, got called back and they put a line in my arm and injected me with something radioactive. Got to wait for some more until they called me back to strap me to a chair and take some heart pictures, then I got to wait some more.

Then I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was overhearing two nurses talking about how the doc got called to the hospital and what time should they tell the patients she'll be back to try and get them to stay and wait. I admit I was in a rather foul state by then, no caffeine has that affect on my apparently, and I had decided that enough fun was enough fun for one day and it was time to go. Gave my paperwork to the nice ladies at the front and left to a bunch of people saying stuff like, "Is he leaving?" and "OMG, he's gonna take the line out himself!". Before I'd gone too far the nice nurse who put my line in was walking next to me taking my line out. I went to the nice blood draw lady and she tried very hard to draw blood from me, but I wouldn't bleed! ME! :oops:

She said I was dehydrated and should have drank lots of water before I came in, I pointed out that I DID drink lots of water before I came in 4 hours ago but hadn't had much opportunity since. She recommended I come early in the morning and directly to her for the blood work, I thanked her somehow without a hint of sarcasm and left.

On the brightside, my new car is a VERY good car to drive angrily in. Rear-wheel drive, horsepower, and anger make for a powerful combination! I got home very fast.
Before I'd gone too far the nice nurse who put my line in was walking next to me taking my line out. I went to the nice blood draw lady and she tried very hard to draw blood from me, but I wouldn't bleed! ME!

happened to my sister once, but because she was running around the hospital. lol
Your ordeal sounds a bit frightening, best of luck.:smile:
Nah, gonna find out next week. Got a rescheduled echocardiogram this Saturday and then an appt next week to find out the results of all the testing. :)
You should of called the thread something else.
You do realise that if you die you will look pretty foolish...
I'm too mean to die, don't fret.

Just got back from my cardio, damn it. :(

Abnormal results on my nuke stress test and I'm diabetic, looks like I'm going in for an angiogram on 1/12/11 that will most probably turn into an angioplasty and an overnight stay. My heart isn't getting blood when it's stressed apparently. My step-dad just yelled at me about being extry careful for the next couple of weeks until it's done.
Im sorry to hear that. :(

It pains me to think that theres nothing I can do personally to make your :love: better. :(

Anyway I am really hopeful that you'll get through it all without a hitch because I need you as my instrument of justice to give Dave a dead arm for buying a GTX 460. :LOL:
Dave didn't buy a 460, I checked. :???:

Today I get a sneak peak at my next Weds, my Mom is having open heart surgery right now at the hospital I'll be going to and I'm off to visit her. She's having a valve replaced and a couple of bypasses, but it's all preventative stuff that was found before anything bad happened so we're all feeling pretty good about it.

Heck, she may even still be in when I go in. I've been teasing her mercilessly all week about us being hospital buddies. :LOL:
Obviously someone going into the hospital would need an early sample of a Fusion based laptop in order to have the greatest chance of survival. Also to ensure that he pulled through any problems it would possibly be best that he had one of the most advanced GPUs to look forward to installing into his PC when he got out of hospital. Beyond that it would also be advised that in order for that certain someone to live a life of lower stress and anxiety he would need to be privvy to all the information on the latest GPUs being developed at AMD.

Im just saying...
Oh yeah, I forgetted to update this thread. Sorry.

Went in for my angiogram on Weds and it went fine. My old stent is good, I have some very minor blockages but nothing that can't be fixed with medicine and exercise.

The doc said my recent symptoms are do to "deconditioning", which my wife helpfully translated for me into "you're too fat and don't exercise enough". :)

I had to take it easy for 3 days to let the arterial plug set, couldn't lift anything over 10lbs; but it's all better now today and I'm to start exercising and eating right and I should be all better.