Digi's heart is doing great!

Crisidelm said:
You sure are young for this kind of heart problems...is it something that runs in your family? This or else, you were really abusing smoke and fast food.

My wife is a R.N. who's worked at a cardiac step-down unit (not quite critical care, but not your typical hospital bed) and has seen mothers in their early 30s die from heart attacks (one recent patient was 33 and had a 2-month-old daughter). It's the fast food generation suffering from major plaque build-up (which studies have seen appearing on children only 4 years old).

School children should be forced to watch Super Size Me.
John Reynolds said:
Crisidelm said:
You sure are young for this kind of heart problems...is it something that runs in your family? This or else, you were really abusing smoke and fast food.

My wife is a R.N. who's worked at a cardiac step-down unit (not quite critical care, but not your typical hospital bed) and has seen mothers in their early 30s die from heart attacks (one recent patient was 33 and had a 2-month-old daughter). It's the fast food generation suffering from major plaque build-up (which studies have seen appearing on children only 4 years old).

School children should be forced to watch Super Size Me.

Yes I guess so.

BTW this morning on an Italian newspaper I read a few hints of an article, stating that recent researches have found that many painkillers of several kinds, when costantly used, do the heart pretty bad and may lead to severe heart problems quite early in one's lifetime. But I don't remeber the source of this...
John Reynolds said:
Crisidelm said:
You sure are young for this kind of heart problems...is it something that runs in your family? This or else, you were really abusing smoke and fast food.

My wife is a R.N. who's worked at a cardiac step-down unit (not quite critical care, but not your typical hospital bed) and has seen mothers in their early 30s die from heart attacks (one recent patient was 33 and had a 2-month-old daughter). It's the fast food generation suffering from major plaque build-up (which studies have seen appearing on children only 4 years old).

School children should be forced to watch Super Size Me.
Yup. Between smoking and fast food my cardio thinks fast food is much, MUCH worse.

I still let my kids have happy meals, but it's very occassionally now and I'm making it less and less and educating them about how bad that shit is for you.
mito said:
I'm gonna have to moderate alcohol consumption.... :oops:
Oh yeah, add about a decade of serious alcohol abuse in their too along with assorted drug abuses. (Never heroin though, even I ain't that stupid!)
Well glad it's ok, but from what you described you really had it coming. I hope you learn something from this. Maybe as a father you can save your kids' lives in a way, by telling them not to eat this mass-produced poision they give to you at McDonalds (massive amounts of saturated fat) and in microwave popcorn (massive amounts of trans-fats).

Personally, I check everything I eat, and avoid almost all saturated fats, except for red-meat. I love my steak, lol. Still, even then I get lean beef, and only get the well marbled stuff for a special occasion. Oh and banana chips have the highest concentration of saturated and trans fats of any food I know. Don't eat those. But most of all check the nutritional info of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. It's crazy to eat something without knowing what's in it. My motto is, live like you're going to die tommorrow, and take care of yourself like you're going to live 100 years.
Crisidelm said:
You sure are young for this kind of heart problems...is it something that runs in your family? This or else, you were really abusing smoke and fast food.

I'd say it's never too late to check in on your heart. I'm only 21 and I've already had two EKG's. Luckily, nothing was wrong with my heart either time (one was a torn/strained tendon/ligament in my rib cage and the other was a physical to fly).

If your family has heart problems or you don't exercise a lot or you don't have the best eating habit, I'd encourage everyone to get checked up everyonce in a while.
Blitzkrieg said:
Did you ever get the burning smells sympton?
What's that? You gotta remember at the time I was a non-smoker who cheated pretty regularly. (About a half-pack a day)

Smoking totally hoses your sense of smell, now that I don't smoke I can smell like a basset hound. (I'm not kidding, my sense of smell and hearing are spooky good now...it's weird)

DudeMiester- Yeah, I probably did have it coming....and yes I have a family history of heart attacks. My grandma was killed by one as were about 3 of her sisters, the only surviving sister of that line is an octa-bypass wonder.
digitalwanderer said:
Blitzkrieg said:
Did you ever get the burning smells sympton?
What's that? You gotta remember at the time I was a non-smoker who cheated pretty regularly. (About a half-pack a day)

Smoking totally hoses your sense of smell, now that I don't smoke I can smell like a basset hound. (I'm not kidding, my sense of smell and hearing are spooky good now...it's weird)

DudeMiester- Yeah, I probably did have it coming....and yes I have a family history of heart attacks. My grandma was killed by one as were about 3 of her sisters, the only surviving sister of that line is an octa-bypass wonder.

The writing was on the wall, I dare say...
Crisidelm said:
The writing was on the wall, I dare say...
Yup, but only in hindsight for me. Up until they told me I had a heart attack I was utterly convinced it couldn't be since I was too young for one and I felt silly that everyone was making such a big deal over nothing.

Honest, I did...and I felt really stupid about it later.
It's good to hear you doing well Digi.

My best friend lost his dad to a heart attack when he was 21. His dad was in the early 40's. Same thing happened with another friend of mine and his dad was 43.

My dad past away this year from a heart attack. He was 69.

An update since I went to the cardiologists yesterday for the first time in 3 years. :oops:

I've been feeling a bit tired lately and had a few chest things, so my wife decided it was time for me to start being good about going to the cardiologist again. (She's making me go to the dentist too, ugh! :rolleyes: ) It was good to see both doctor Divakarunis, (it's a husband/wife cardio practice, I see the mister), even though they both yelled at me a bit...but they were right and I was wrong to go so long without seeing 'em so I just humbly took it.

The doc yelled at me about my nicotine patch addiction, apparently they're just as bad as smoking is as far as the heart is concerned....more so the way I've been pumping the max dosages of nicotine in constantly. The fatigue/chest things aren't nothing, they're indicative of my artery closing up.

The doc says this is normal and they did an EKG and my heart's electrical system is fine which means no damage still, they just have to see how clogged it is and open it back up before I have another bad thing.

So for the next few weeks I'm gonna be going in for some testing to see what the what is, and then get it attended to. Nothing life threatening, nothing major, and nothing definitive yet; but I am on top of it and tending to it. I'm gonna be taking it easy for the next few weeks until I see what the what is, my wife just stopped my shovelling the snow 'cause she was worried. (I thought it was sweet, don't tell her 'cause I'm playing it all grumpiful. ;) )
Diggie, I hate to hear this. Take it easy for the next few weeks until you find out more. If I lived closer I'd come over and smack you upside the head for not seeing a doctor over the last 3 years though.
Diggie, I hate to hear this. Take it easy for the next few weeks until you find out more. If I lived closer I'd come over and smack you upside the head for not seeing a doctor over the last 3 years though.

Maybe we need to ask around if we can find someone on B3D who is also local in order to perform the smacking on the upside of his head?
Diggie, I hate to hear this. Take it easy for the next few weeks until you find out more. If I lived closer I'd come over and smack you upside the head for not seeing a doctor over the last 3 years though.
My wife, my cardiologist, my cardiologist's wife, and 3 technicians beat you to that. :oops:

My wife just called me a bit ago to make sure I wasn't doing anything stupid and to remind me of a bunch of things I can't do today. She made me promise to not run out to the Highland house to clean it up, and I can go outside to supervise the kids shoveling the walks but I am not allowed to participate. :???:

Seems like a bit of over kill to me, but she's genuinely concerned which really strikes me as sweet and gives me the warm tinglies so I figure I can go along with it for a couple of weeks at least until we know what the situation is. :yep2:
It doesn't sound fun to deal with. Hopefully whatever you end up doing works decent. And next time try to take care of yourself afterward.