Digi's heart is doing great!


I just got back from the cardiologist for my first appointment in at least a year too long and I got an all good rating.

It's shocking how happy that made me, I had no idea at just how worried I was at what he was going to tell me until he told me. :)
mito said:
why did you have a heart attack?
98.9% blockage of one of my ventricle/artery thingies. The 'angioplasti' was them sticking a probe up from under my groin into the blocked artery and inflated a little balloon to open it up and then stuck a little plantinum spring/chinese fingertrap thingy called a "stent" in there to keep it open.

The blockage was from years of bad living, the doc said it was probably mainly from too much fast food and smoking. (He swears the two are equally as bad for ya)

My cardiologist loves me, he says he thinks of me whenever he gets bummed about his job....I'm one of the few (and very, very fortunate) people who he was able to fix pretty much totally instead of having me die.

I like thinking about that too at times, it's made life a lot more fun/precious/intense the last couple of years. :)
did you notice something was going wrong before the heart attack? (chest, limb and stomach pains)

I am asking you these personal questions because the subject is very pertinent.
mito said:
did you notice something was going wrong before the heart attack? (chest, limb and stomach pains)

I am asking you these personal questions because the subject is very pertinent.
Oh, yeah. I had a ton of warning signs in hindsight. Tinglingly/numbness at the extremeties, like when you're foot falls asleep or something how it feels all tingly when the feelings coming back? I'd get that feeling in my fingers & toes sometimes for no reason. Super-low energy, shortness of breath after limited physical activity, etc.

The instigating factor was teaching my kids to ride backs, I ended up running alongside their bikes for about a mile. My freaking chest HURT about halfway thru, and I kept going anyways like an idiot. :rolleyes:

When I got home it still hurt, so I had a few smokes to try and relax and calm down....then I was squirming around on the computer room floor in pain trying to make the cramp in my chest go away and every breath felt like a bazillion needles were piercing my lungs. (Like in winter on a really cold day, but without the cold)

I decided that mebbe a bit of a lie down would help so I crawled off to bed, but my wife was a tad concerned that I wouldn't wake up if I went to sleep so was all insistant that we call an ambulance.

We did, the really bad part of the heart attack hit about the same time the ambulance got here (probably because I insisted on walking out myself, I did NOT want to be wheeled out in front of my kids on a stretcher...it'd scare 'em) and the nice EMT hit the back of my tongue with the magical nitroglycerine spray just about as the heart attack really hit.

I think it saved my life.

The rest was pretty uneventful. A lot of waiting around in an emergency room, going to a hospital room, tests, then the angioplasti. (It actually was just going to be an exam, but since they went in and found the blockage they fixed it whilst everything was all set-up....it HURTS when they inflate that damned balloon) A close call for sure, but I got really lucky and walked away from it.

All in all it was a really crappy way to spend me and my wife's 8th anniversary. :rolleyes:
digitalwanderer said:
I just got back from the cardiologist for my first appointment in at least a year too long and I got an all good rating.

It's shocking how happy that made me, I had no idea at just how worried I was at what he was going to tell me until he told me. :)
nice :) 8)
mito said:
I am very impressed by your account of events.
Heh, it was actually sort of hard to remember...it just doesn't seem real to me anymore. I almost had to hunt up the thread my wife started on it for me when I was in the hospital.
(I made her promise to post up about what happened to me over at EB so me friends wouldn't worry when I wasn't online for a few days. She did under my account and it pretty much became my heart attack thread.)

My wife is even happier than I am, she was worried that I was avoiding the cardio because something was wrong. She's been extry sweet and doting all day. Heck, even my kids were happy as hell at the news. They worry about me and my heart, I think it's the scariest thing that's happened to my family, and knowing that my doc says I'm doing good means a lot to 'em.

Unfortunately my wife told them about me needing to lose weight, so I'll have two twenty-four hour naggers on my ass! :?
K.I.L.E.R said:
give us some benchmarks :p
Well, it took me two "Bits of Fry & Laurie" and 4 single-races of "Ridge Racer" waiting for a 10 minute appointment if that helps any.

I could benchmark my bloodpressure, it was a bit high at 168/79. Doc said if I don't get it down he'll put me on more meds, so I'll get it down.

I got rid of one pill per day and switched another with a newer one too....WOO-HOO! I also got permission to go off all my blood thinners for a few days if I need/want to. (I sort of gotta for some dental work...that's next :rolleyes: )

Now how do I make that into a graph? :|
Is it still your heart if you wrestled a lion till the death and ripped it out of his chest while it was still beating and put it in yours ?
I turned 39 last April 6th and I'm one year younger than Mr. Reynolds. :LOL:

Man, it's just turning out to be a faboo "plop weekend". My wife has had the last two days off and gots two more off in front of her, the kids have finished school, and I'm happy as hell to have gotten my cardio out of the way.

We're all playing hooky this weekend now and loving it. I think I'll grab one of the puppies and take her for a ride in the 350Z, just 'cause. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
I turned 39 last April 6th and I'm one year younger than Mr. Reynolds. :LOL:

Man, it's just turning out to be a faboo "plop weekend". My wife has had the last two days off and gots two more off in front of her, the kids have finished school, and I'm happy as hell to have gotten my cardio out of the way.

We're all playing hooky this weekend now and loving it. I think I'll grab one of the puppies and take her for a ride in the 350Z, just 'cause. 8)

You sure are young for this kind of heart problems...is it something that runs in your family? This or else, you were really abusing smoke and fast food.