Devil May Cry 4 Going Multi-platform! (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) *Confirmed

Tekken is not coming out until 2008. it may go multiplat, but thats a long ways away and sony can catch up in sales. all the bigger games are coming out on 360, but they are also coming out on ps3? whats your point? that exclusives will only sell consoles? theres more to it...

I would say 3rd party exclusives, price and momentum are what sells machines. It was the exclusive of FF7 that turned the tide for the PS1. After the FF bomb the rest of the eastern 3rd party's fell into the sony camp with lots of exclusives. It was having almost every single big 3rd party game exclusive that helped the PS2 steam roll the competition. That and the PS2 was priced right and built momentum off of its giant launch hype. If you wanted to play any big time 3rd party game last gen you needed a PS2 and they happened to be priced just right. What do you think allowed sega to make head way against nintendo in the snes/genesis days? Exclusive games on the genesis because of nintendo's right reign on content.
1. LBP isn't coming this year. this year, they have HS, Lair, R&C, Uncharted, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Hot Shots Golf 5, Warhawk, Singstar, Eight Days, LA Noire, and possibly even Killzone 2. this is just going by IGN's release dates which will most likely change though.

2. they've sold well over 100m ps2's. :smile:
again, i said obviously not all of them will buy ps3's. lets say even 1/8 of them do...thats more than 360 owners to this date. of course the ~100m ps2s sold is over 7-8 years, but come christmas time, i'm sure there will be a lot of ps fans that will get their ps3, and supply will NOT be an issue. they already missed last years holiday season with supply issues. not until AFTER christmas did they start making ps3's in a steady rate.

3. Yes the ps3's 3rd party support is behind atm, but like i said, ~10m vs ~2m, who do you think has the advantage to secure 3rd party exclusives?

1) Not that I'm an expert on ps3 games releases, but I was under the impression Drake, R&C LA Noire (exclusive?), and Eight Days (exclusive?) did not have a hard release dates yet. :???:

2) Well over, but well under "hundredS of millions" ;)
Regarding holiday sales, each day that passes it seems xb360 gets more attractive. I'm not sure that things will be different in this respect come this Christmas (GTA4, Forza2, Halo3)

3) Who do you think would have the advantage a year from now? Do you see ps3 starting to outsell xb360 this year? xb360 will have the advantage in userbase for a "while". ;)
LittleBigPlanet is a niche game. I don't consider it mainstream since it's a downloadable only title. Who's buying a PS3 just for LBP? For all we know, it may look good but play like crap.
they've already shown the gameplay and pretty much what the whole game is about. you either like or don't like it. but from the response from the crowd at GDC and from peoples comments of the game, it will be a pretty big hit for the ps3. maybe not a system seller, but who cares?
1) Not that I'm an expert on ps3 games releases, but I was under the impression Drake, R&C LA Noire (exclusive?), and Eight Days (exclusive?) did not have a hard release dates yet. :???:

2) Well over, but well under "hundredS of millions" ;)
Regarding holiday sales, each day that passes it seems xb360 gets more attractive. I'm not sure that things will be different in this respect come this Christmas (GTA4, Forza2, Halo3)

3) Who do you think would have the advantage a year from now? Do you see ps3 starting to outsell xb360 this year? xb360 will have the advantage in userbase for a "while". ;)
1. again, i was just going by IGN's release dates. i think R&C and Uncharted have been announced for 2007. the others im not so sure.

2. =P
GTA4 is coming to ps3 as well. my point was not that the ps3 will outsell the 360 come christmas time (not saying it won't either). were debating how Sony will increase its user base large enough to secure third party exclusives.

3. i agree the 360 will probably have more sales for a while, but theres still another 7+ years to go. when sony's user base is large enough (it doesn't necessarily have to be larger than the competition) they can secure more exclusives. but now, their user base is only ~2m, which is not big enough.
3. i agree the 360 will probably have more sales for a while, but theres still another 7+ years to go. when sony's user base is large enough (it doesn't necessarily have to be larger than the competition) they can secure more exclusives. but now, their user base is only ~2m, which is not big enough.

Out of curiosity, do you see Sony beating MS? Because I can't see it.
Out of curiosity, do you see Sony beating MS? Because I can't see it.
i say that its FAR too early for ANYONE to tell. but i will say that i wouldn't be surprised if either of the 3 will win this generation (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo). how can you speculate only 4 months in? thats like me predicting who wins the world series before the season even starts.
1. again, i was just going by IGN's release dates. i think R&C and Uncharted have been announced for 2007. the others im not so sure.

2. =P
GTA4 is coming to ps3 as well. my point was not that the ps3 will outsell the 360 come christmas time. were debating how Sony will increase its user base large enough to secure third party exclusives.

3. i agree the 360 will probably have more sales for a while, but theres still another 7+ years to go. when sony's user base is large enough (it doesn't necessarily have to be larger than the competition) they can secure more exclusives. but now, their user base is only ~2m, which is not big enough.

1) ok so the release dates are a bit fuzzy on those. These are locks for 2007: HS, Lair, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Hot Shots Golf 5, Warhawk, Singstar. I'm not sure this exclusive lineup is strong enough to substantially grow the userbase but we will see. If the other titles are added (specifically KZ2) then it will improve their chances significantly.

2) Agreed, see above

3) I disagree. When your console is behind userbase and attach rate wise, there are only three reasons to produce a game exclusively for the underperforming console:
1) moneyhats
2) political reasons
3) demographic reasons

1) is a possibility for any game for any console if the "hat" is large enough
2) Sony has some connections for sure (SE, Kojima), how strong they are is anyones guess. Time will tell.
3) Depending on the region, there seems to be one general leader in each with two distinct demographics currently. I see MS and Sony trying to reach a broad demographic but I think msrp is holding Sony back in this regard. Nintendo it seems has been trying to shed the "kid" image forever so we'll see this gen but so far they're doing a good job IMO.
i say that its FAR too early for ANYONE to tell. but i will say that i wouldn't be surprised if either of the 3 will win this generation (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo). how can you speculate only 4 months in? thats like me predicting who wins the world series before the season even starts.

That's a rather pointless statement.. I think it would be a suprise to EVERYONE if none of them did.. :LOL:
If the 360 and PS3 costed the same I would agree DMC would not be such a big deal. But with the PS3 200 dollars more the 499 unit has disappeared sony needs every single exclusive they can get to get people to shell out the 200 extra dollars. Every exclusive that moves to the 360 is another blow and they are adding up. Think about it the PS2 had pretty much every single 3rd party exclusive. In a matter of 18 months sony has lost them all but 2 MGS and FF. For the average person 2 games and a few first pary games are not going to be enough to justify 200 extra dollars. Another thing that makes DMC so huge is like GTA the 360 will get it the same day the PS3 does. Sure the PS3 is getting a few games from the 360 like GRAW2 the problem is by the time they show up on the PS3 the games will be old news.

Doom and gloom, I hope that you are here because of the games and not the console brands. :)

It's $499, not $599, $100 more than the 360 unless you claim the card readers and Wi-Fi to be mandatory for playing games.

I do agree that GRAW2 means nothing as that kind of franchises did not define the previous playstations. It's also true that DMC helped establish the PS2 brand but now there's NG, HS and GoW too directed at that audience ($100 more = HS, GoW, NG, DMC instead of DMC and NG).
It's $499, not $599, $100 more than the 360 unless you claim the card readers and Wi-Fi to be mandatory for playing games.

It's $300 for the core, unless you consider wireless game pads and Hdd's to be necessary for playing games. ;)

I do agree that GRAW2 means nothing as that kind of franchises did not define the previous playstations. It's also true that DMC helped establish the PS2 brand but now there's NG, HS and GoW too directed at that audience ($100 more = HS, GoW, NG, DMC instead of DMC, Halo3, Gears and NG).

Fixed (short version)
Not to mention a whole load of (hopefully) follow-ups to bucketloads of awesome Japanese PS2 titles..

Digital Devil Saga Series, Legaia Series, Dragon Quest Series, .Hack Series, Ico/Shadows of the Colossus Series, Level 5 RPGs, Suikoden Series, Disgaea Series, Shadow Hearts Series, Star Ocean Series, Onimusha Series, Kingdom Hearts Series, Xenosaga Series, ZOE Series, Valkyrie Profile Series, Breath of Fire Series etc.. (Not saying these games are getting confirmed sequels but there's potential for alot of them..)

I know they aren't for everyone but they are still successful franchises and therefore "collectively" shouldn't be underestimated..

& Since the Xbox360 is still selling like ass in Japan, I'm not sure if some/most/all of the JRPGs have much of a choice where they end up going.. (unless the Wii perhaps..?)

(Just thought i'd throw these out there.. ;) )


Maybe Playstation will still be the place for all those Otaku gamers in the world.. ;)
LittleBigPlanet is a niche game. I don't consider it mainstream since it's a downloadable only title. Who's buying a PS3 just for LBP? For all we know, it may look good but play like crap.
It's going to be released on Blu-ray in 2008 as stated at the keynote speech.

Watch the interview and Phil's response.

1UP: You mentioned that you would have it available on PlayStation network first and then later on -- perhaps a half year or year later -- available on Blu-ray. That made me think that you're going to use the best user submitted levels and actually put that stuff in the retail version. Is that the case?
Phil: Very perceptive, yeah.

[Ed's note: This means your levels/games could potentially be featured in the retail version of LittleBigPlanet! Freaking sweet!]
There's no question that PS3 owners do not suffer from the announcement.
But there's also no question that potential PS3 owners do suffer.

It's not just DMC, either. If DMC, what else? That class of game was one of the two biggest reasons to get a PS3 (the other big reason being Sony's excellent 1st party efforts). Going forward, it seems that first party games will be the main difference between the 360 and PS3. Even though I knew that was coming, it's still kind of weird to see the market shift.

I agree - it was expected, it'll be about first party, and it is indeed a little strange to actually see it playing out.

I don't think potential PS3 owners suffer however; they're in the same boat as the current owners - aka no loss. But for some (the J-action hardcore), perhaps it will be a tipping point to consider the 360 as an alternative. Which is to say, that the promise of PS3 hasn't diminished - ie the games are still the same - it's simply that the allure of 360 has improved. Not the greatest situation for Sony directly, but not bad for the consumer on any level.

No doubt, I agree with you on the possibility. However, in a blind test (not knowing what it was you were looking at) I do not think a regular human could see the difference. The same types of gameplay elements and interactions can be duplicated on xb360 but possibly with reduced quality in certain areas. My dissagreement stems from the ability to visibly see this difference on it's own, not side by side.

That's what I'm saying though Chef - I'm saying that by the end of this gen there will be certain games that you will see in action and say... this is a PS3 game. I'm not talking about screenshot visuals here, I'm talking about images in motion. Anyway... no way to know who's right or not yet, but I just wanted to make clear what my position on that was.


xbd, trying to be all level-headed...yeah right.;)

NavNuc's another that won't be bothered with deference to this black name of mine; thank goodness for that! :p
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