Deus Ex 3

The other thing is this game is VERY Deus Ex in terms of 'feel' and artwork.

Also, level design is pretty good. There have been numerous times where I've faced overwhelming enemies and just couldn't figure out a way to get past them, eventually 'cheating' by hiding in a grate and blowing their kneecaps away as they came looking for me. Only to find out later that there actually WAS other ways to get around the situation. But I didn't find them until I had already gotten to 'the target area' and was searching THAT area and found a passageway that would have taken me around all the hostiles and removed the need for combat.

So I guess I'm not doing the best job of exploring in high-pressure, tense environments when there's swarms of guys with guns and cameras everywhere!

But, it's a fantastic game. Up until the point where I think I'm stuck because I killed every single last person in the club, including the 'target' that I was supposed to talk to. It keeps putting a waypoint back on the club, but everybody there is dead. And when I go into the club, the waypoint just vanishes. Because everybody is dead.

Rather frustrated with the handicap placed on the number of energy batteries you can naturally restore. To me, it seems like by simply capping the maximum number you can obtain is enough of a limiting factor and balancer. But to also artificially limit your power use by not allowing you to restore power over time (beyond 1 bar) seems unbalanced. Particularly when those extra bars are randomly taken away (along with extra health gained through food) at certain points for no particular reason.

Other than that, I'm really enjoying the game. As someone else said, I find myself saving with the thought of quieting, only to then do "one more thing" a hundred times over.
I agree about the batteries. It really diminishes the usefulness of getting more of them when you can only naturally recharge one at a time.
Rather frustrated with the handicap placed on the number of energy batteries you can naturally restore. To me, it seems like by simply capping the maximum number you can obtain is enough of a limiting factor and balancer. But to also artificially limit your power use by not allowing you to restore power over time (beyond 1 bar) seems unbalanced. Particularly when those extra bars are randomly taken away (along with extra health gained through food) at certain points for no particular reason.

You've been randomly losing health? The only thing I remember is randomly gaining health, all the way up to 200. I thought it might be a side-effect of buying augmentations. Playing stealthy I don't really need the extra health, I only increased it when I find some health items and my inventory is already full.

I haven't found batteries too limiting, but that's because I've put an even greater limitation on myself by not even upgrading them, and general trying to avoid using them. I think stealth might become too easy with fewer limitations. I not sure how well it's balanced for other playing styles though.

Edit: It just happened again. My health increased from 100 to 125, and I have no idea why.
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Rather frustrated with the handicap placed on the number of energy batteries you can naturally restore. To me, it seems like by simply capping the maximum number you can obtain is enough of a limiting factor and balancer. But to also artificially limit your power use by not allowing you to restore power over time (beyond 1 bar) seems unbalanced. Particularly when those extra bars are randomly taken away (along with extra health gained through food) at certain points for no particular reason.

Other than that, I'm really enjoying the game. As someone else said, I find myself saving with the thought of quieting, only to then do "one more thing" a hundred times over.

I never had that problem outside of wanting to perform takedowns a little more generously. I became less and less dependent on my augmentations that required multiple batteries (due to the limitation) that by the time I got into a situation where their extended use would be useful (say a boss battle), I could do so very liberally because I had stored enough items to boost my batteries several times over.

I think the main problem with the limited battery bar is the inclusion of the invisible cloak aug. Paired with the aug that made moving stealthly easier and you could probably stroll through missions unscathed if they allowed the battery to recharge in a more bountiful fashion.

I just checked, and that's indeed it. I wasn't aware you could use those instantly from the item wheel. It's right next to the stungun I equip by default, I must have accidentally selected the painkillers when trying to equip the stungun.
I think the main problem with the limited battery bar is the inclusion of the invisible cloak aug. Paired with the aug that made moving stealthly easier and you could probably stroll through missions unscathed if they allowed the battery to recharge in a more bountiful fashion.

You could, if you were patient enough to allow the battery to recharge after each use. We're talking 7 seconds x 4 batteries of use at once at most. Followed by a cool down of a minute or more to recharge the batteries. If someone has the patience for that I'd say its just another one of those alternative solutions to problems. That's one thing I love about this game. Generally speaking, it doesn't try to prevent me from "gaming" it, and doing things in a manner that wasn't necessarily intended. :smile:

I just checked, and that's indeed it. I wasn't aware you could use those instantly from the item wheel. It's right next to the stungun I equip by default, I must have accidentally selected the painkillers when trying to equip the stungun.

I've wasted so many consumable from errant equipment wheel movements.

You've been randomly losing health?

I have no idea why. Like you I play stealth (passive aggressive stealth?) so higher health is of little use to me, but my batteries being depleted when I'm already low on items to recharge them with is annoying. I rely heavily on takedowns and moving heavy objects to hide and find new routes, both of which can sap batteries quickly, and put me in a bind when I can't do them.
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Finished it. Excellent game, I loved how unlike most current games it is. A SP well beyond the 10 hour mark, none of that it needs a MP because every game has that, no shallow gameplay through highly scripted set pieces.

About the ending.
I choose the Darrow ending. It made the most sense to me to let the world know the truth because it wouldn't necessarily have the effect the game suggests it would have. And it's all moot anyway because it only leads to the event of the first Deus Ex anyway. Still I would have liked to see what happens in the world shortly after the choice you make. Only having Adam explain why the choice was made was very disappointing. I already know why I made it. I also would have liked to see more about what happens between Adam and Megan.

Some of the twists were a bit awkward, like the whole reason Hugh Darrow made all those people go mad. But I suppose that's to be expected in a game called Deus Ex. I did like some of the great moments it created even though the story was a bit weak. That debate with Taggert. The plane crash with Malik, I felt like the game was trying to bait me into giving up my pacifistic playing style, and become that out of controle supersoldier the people against augmentations were always going on about. Choosing wether or not to get that chip that's supposed remove the augmentation glitches. I ended up getting it even though I suspected it's a trap.

I'm looking forward the Missing Link DLC next month.
I'm doing a "kill the badguys" run right now. The combat feels pretty good. It finally gives me a chance to try out the gun properly. I've done the first mission 4 times, and got somewhat different results each time.
I saved all the hostage's, captured the leader alive, but killed all the other terrorists. And I still got called a monster for killing all those people, next to all the praise I received for doing so well. :LOL:
Ha ha, by the time I get DEHR in December, you'd have completed the game backwards 4 times ! I think I can complete Catherine this week, Ico next. Then Dark Souls will ship in early October.

I'll see if I can get to DEHR in November. ^_^
Ha ha, by the time I get DEHR in December, you'd have completed the game backwards 4 times ! I think I can complete Catherine this week, Ico next. Then Dark Souls will ship in early October.

I'll see if I can get to DEHR in November. ^_^

I doubt I'll be able to beat it again before the upcoming releases. Next month it's Rage, Dark Souls, Batman Arkham City, Disgaea 4, and the DEHR Missing Link DLC. I've decided to wait with the Ico/SotC Collection since I already have the originals. And Catherine was delayed for Europe.

But I can see myself replaying DEHR quite few times. The replay value is amazing. And now that I know what will happen, I can deliberately mess things up to see if I get different results.
Catherine was delayed for Europe.

Give it a look if you like weird story, suggestive but carefully produced anime and puzzle games. The puzzle difficulty can be (too) steep. I like the anime portion quite a bit though.

Got disrupted by fearsomepirate's MAG discussion last night :)
So I only get to finish one floor yesterday.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Sold More In Europe Than The U.S.

Since its release in August, 2.18 million copies of Deus Ex: Human Revolution have been shipped by Square Enix.

A report for the first half of Square’s ongoing fiscal year reveals that the majority of those copies were shipped to Europe.

800,000 copies of Human Revolution were shipped to the U.S., while 1.38 million were shipped to Europe. Meanwhile, Obsidian’s Dungeon Siege III showed a similar case, where 320,000 copies were shipped to the U.S. and 480,000 to Europe (800k in total).

ya, EU is getting bigger, beside fps I think most games are doing pretty even or sometime better. They seems to accept more variety than shooter.
I finally bought the Missing Link DLC. Very nice, just like the main game. They do limit your options a bit in how much praxis points you can spend. But that fits right along my playing style. I never invested any points in stealth, but I made it through without killing anyone. Including the final boss, which is a proper boss fight for a Deus Ex game, with plenty of options to approach the situation.

The one big choice you have to make was a bit of a let down though. It comes out of nowhere, and won't have any effect on your game, and there really is only one sensible answer to it if you think it through.

I do like the way the game comments on how you play. It feels a lot more genuine if the game isn't simply rewarding you for things you already have to do.
I bought the game 2 weeks ago. Haven't started on it.

Want to finish NG+ Dark Souls first without using Iron Flesh. :oops:
I got this the same time as Skyrim and just started playing it as a break from swords and sandles. But I find myself not enjoying it as much as I probably should. Some sections are ridiculously hard and then the boss battles are just shoot until dead interludes which may or may not be easier if you've picked the right augmentations. It just doesn't feel right, like the balance is wrong or something. I just find myself wanting ME3 when I'm playing.
I got this the same time as Skyrim and just started playing it as a break from swords and sandles. But I find myself not enjoying it as much as I probably should. Some sections are ridiculously hard and then the boss battles are just shoot until dead interludes which may or may not be easier if you've picked the right augmentations. It just doesn't feel right, like the balance is wrong or something. I just find myself wanting ME3 when I'm playing.

Are you playing it stealthy or are you shooting everyone? I think stealth might be the easier way to go.

The boss fights are just plain bad for this type of game. I always made sure I had some grenades and a stungun handy for those encounters. Then it's just stun, grenade, stun, grenade, ect, until they die. Using the Typhoon is even easier.