Deus Ex 3

TBH you only need explosives, be it grenade or mine or remote detonated explosive, no need for stuns gun cause they get stunned for 2-3 seconds when caught in an explosion regardless and during this time you can drop in another doing this you can practically defeat the boss under 10 seconds without him or her barely even moving. And I did this all when I was playing on full stealth on hard during my very first playthrough.
Been playing Deus Ex: HR. Pretty great game, so far. Haven't even fired a gun yet, and I've played for a good amount of time. Still spending my augment points on things like armor in preparation for the boss fights, which I've heard can be difficult. This one definitely would have been worth paying the full price, but I guess at the time it didn't fit into my budget.
Been playing Deus Ex: HR. Pretty great game, so far. Haven't even fired a gun yet, and I've played for a good amount of time. Still spending my augment points on things like armor in preparation for the boss fights, which I've heard can be difficult. This one definitely would have been worth paying the full price, but I guess at the time it didn't fit into my budget.

Boss fights are generally pretty easy if you have emp grenades (or even stun gun/peps gun) combined with an upgraded combat rifle (hell any upgraded high damage weapon including the Typhoon). Bosses can generally be stunned for quite a long time which allows you to unload a lot of damage into them.

My first playthrough I didn't have any armor upgrades until close to the end.

The one thing I have to say about DE:HR is that the ending felt a bit of a letdown. I know it's more difficult to achieve, but three different endings based on your choices throughout the game would have felt more fitting. The simple press A for ending 1, B for ending 2, C for ending 3 conclusion just felt a bit rushed to me.
It did indeed. Was basically the same thing in Deus Ex: Invisible War, though I believe the ending at least depended on your choices during the final stage, not on a mere multiple choice feature past the final boss. Regardless, it was definitely a top 3 games of 2011 candidate for me.
The one thing I have to say for the end, was I found it incredibly hard to choose between the four options! They were all both good and bad. The final boss was easy and terrible though.
I destroyed the turrets and then killed the lady with my laser rifle. I'm not sure why it was that easy. I noticed you could move those women that are strapped into the computer up and down by pressing buttons, but I'm not sure why. So I just shot the lady with my laser rifle.
To be honest, after the first boss, everything about the game felt really easy, on the hard setting, but it was very enjoyable to play through anyway. I'd say it was one of the best games of last year, and one of the better games this gen.

Also, the artists and level designers deserve a plethora of medals and awards. The environments in that game are incredibly detailed.
Well, TBH Scott, it was your choice of weapon that made it so easy. That weapon was actually one of the worst IMO in the entire game, really only useful for that final boss battle. Although, it made that final battle incredibly easy.

I think attempting to play through without that, and having to play "as intended" would be far more difficult and challenging.
Well, TBH Scott, it was your choice of weapon that made it so easy. That weapon was actually one of the worst IMO in the entire game, really only useful for that final boss battle. Although, it made that final battle incredibly easy.

I think attempting to play through without that, and having to play "as intended" would be far more difficult and challenging.

What do you mean, play "as intended"? I carried that laser rifle and the plasma rifle expecting to have to use them to beat bosses. Through pretty much the rest of the game I used the stun gun, and occasionally the combat rifle and the heavy rifle. I killed some gang members and some harvesters, but the rest of the game I did by stealth. I had the rocket launcher at one point, never fired it, and eventually dropped it to pick up the laser rifle. When I got to the end boss, I pulled out the laser rifle, having never even fired it once beforehand. I had no idea I was subverting the way I was "intended" to play the game. I just used the tools they'd given me. Never even fired the plasma rifle.
Eidos Montreal has just officially announced that they are working on a sequel of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for PC and nextgen systems!!! :runaway: :yes:

first concept art [larger rez at link above]:
Yay please get rid of the gold filter (aka piss filter)

I also hope they do something to stop players "gaming" the system
Let me explain
Imagine you have to break into a guarded warehouse enter a locked room and steal something from a computer.
There will usually be 3 ways stealth, hacking or combat.
What you will do is sneak in via an air vent or something aka the stealth route. Enter the room but you wont touch the computer, why experience points.
what you will do is go back out via the same route and then get to the computer the hacking route for the experience points of doing it that way.
Then you will use the stealth route to get back out again and then get to the room using combat for the points.
only then will you steal the file.
Perhaps they shouls only give points for completing the mission not for every little action.