the damage is better on icebreaker and with fast-aim perk, this sniper also awesome for action scene.
Isn't Patience and Time that sniper that grants you invisibility after you aim through the scope for a while? At first glance, it seems like a cool ability but I don't know how useful it would be in PvE.
I think I'll pass. I only have enough Strange Coins for one exotic, and I really need the Icebreaker.
Even the current lvl 22 weekly heroic mission sucks ass for a solo lvl 25 character. I can get all the way to last boss encounter relatively easily, but jumping down into that closed arena room is just an exercise in futility. It's just maddeningly frustrating. It seems like the idiot game designers at Bungie completely forgot about solo players (or just don't care). It's simple to beat this mission with even one other person, but nearly impossible solo.
Yeah, the only reason I feel like I need the Icebreaker is for the ammo regen. It can otherwise be a mediocre sniper, but that perk alone is enough.
I believe Epitaph 2261 is an arc sniper, which is available from the Q-Master.
Anyway, I blew my Motes of Light on the exotic helmet engram. Sure enough, I got a Hunter helmet - the only character I don't have. Goddamn it.
I believe Epitaph 2261 is an arc sniper, which is available from the Q-Master.
Anyway, I blew my Motes of Light on the exotic helmet engram. Sure enough, I got a Hunter helmet - the only character I don't have. Goddamn it.
IMHO the effort/reward/currency relationship in the game is completely broken.
65marks gives you a legendary armor you can dismantle in about 2-3 shards. The work of perhaps 2 days.
150marks gives you a legendary weapon you can dismantle probably in the same amount of energy(never done so). It's the work/time of 9 days due to the 100 mark cap.
When I get a purple engram I'm usually happy because it's rare but then it usually decodes into a Strange Coin or some energy/shard. Even if you think about the dismantle relationship a legendary weapon is far rarer than any Strange Coin or Shard/Energy in the game.
Not to speak about the work you need to put into fully equipping them especially Exotics.
Really funny is the 1 Strange Coin for Heavy Ammo Synthesis at Xur.
Yeah, this totally random loot thing needs to be re-thought. I sort of get it if it's a random drop from an enemy, but for christ's sake, when I'm a Warlock buying a friggin helmet engram . . . give me a goddamn Warlock helmet! Or at the very least, be aware of the characters I current have and at least give me a helmet for one of them. The way it is now feels amateurish.
Yes you should buy Patience and Time.
IMHO the effort/reward/currency relationship in the game is completely broken.
65marks gives you a legendary armor you can dismantle in about 2-3 shards. The work of perhaps 2 days.
150marks gives you a legendary weapon you can dismantle probably in the same amount of energy(never done so). It's the work/time of 9 days due to the 100 mark cap.
When I get a purple engram I'm usually happy because it's rare but then it usually decodes into a Strange Coin or some energy/shard. Even if you think about the dismantle relationship a legendary weapon is far rarer than any Strange Coin or Shard/Energy in the game.
Not to speak about the work you need to put into fully equipping them especially Exotics.
Really funny is the 1 Strange Coin for Heavy Ammo Synthesis at Xur.
29 to 30 is brutal.
Ok i will do it then. Which primary weapon should I go for?
I disagree.
So far it seems very well done, as you rise through the lvls it gets harder and harder to lvl. Just like it should be.
29 to 30 is brutal.
And there is a simple reason for the seemingly craze expensive heavy amo synth, at some point you will have so many strange coins and nothing to use them for.
Blizzard did an excellent job.