Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Isn't Patience and Time that sniper that grants you invisibility after you aim through the scope for a while? At first glance, it seems like a cool ability but I don't know how useful it would be in PvE.

I think I'll pass. I only have enough Strange Coins for one exotic, and I really need the Icebreaker.

The beauty of Patience and Time isn't the camo - it is the stability and aim rate. You get 4 rounds with virtually no recoil before a reload. Icebreaker jumps all over the place. Damage is also higher. So for an enemy (read raid boss) you need to hit multiple times in close succession, I like Patience and Time over Icebreaker.

I find myself swapping in Icebreaker to gain ammo while I use my scout rifle, then swapping in Patience and Time to do my snipping a lot. Note that the raid sniper is also a very stable gun. If you have the raid sniper, I wouldn't really bother with Patience and Time. If you just have Icebreaker, I would get it.

I would note that Patience and Time isn't a great PVP sniper. The camo takes too long to activate and you can still see the scope reflection of someone using it.
Yeah, the only reason I feel like I need the Icebreaker is for the ammo regen. It can otherwise be a mediocre sniper, but that perk alone is enough.
Even the current lvl 22 weekly heroic mission sucks ass for a solo lvl 25 character. I can get all the way to last boss encounter relatively easily, but jumping down into that closed arena room is just an exercise in futility. It's just maddeningly frustrating. It seems like the idiot game designers at Bungie completely forgot about solo players (or just don't care). It's simple to beat this mission with even one other person, but nearly impossible solo.

You can jump to a spot and stand a better chance, aka cheese (dunno why they call it that).

When you enter the room and look down you can see a platform way over to your left, its high up, you can jump there via another platform that is halfway a bit lower. Just pick the 2nd last Jump spec (makes you jump longer/float). There is a camping spot there that might help.

We completed a nightfall there last night, 2 x 29 and me @26.

Maybe Blizzard could turn down those Heroics a bit, but to be honest i actually like the toughness in this game.
Yeah, the only reason I feel like I need the Icebreaker is for the ammo regen. It can otherwise be a mediocre sniper, but that perk alone is enough.

Growing up with a Dad who is a "gun nut" and dabbling with it a bit myself, another thing this game captures amazingly is putting the real life, mostly male urge of "always want more new guns" into a video game. I cant think of another game that does this, maybe COD in PVP? I know in "pve" all COD guns that fall on the ground are to my mind the same.

In this game, I always want another cool gun, and they all have varying attributes. I think they did another great job capturing that like no other game I can think of. It feels really great to add another good gun to the arsenal.

The last few posts have almost convinced me P&T is a buy then. The only drawback is it's an exotic, doesn't the Q-master sell a legendary arc sniper? That'd at least be more loadout flexible. 150 marks is so steep though. Even though I've reached the point in this game where I really have few needs, so currency is starting to feel a bit expendable.

Problem is I think I actually have only 20 coins, and the heroic weekly actually rebuffed me. I dont want to drop another 1-2 hours on that strike for 9 coins, and playing it for only 6 coins would just feel wrong :( And I'm pressed for time cus I need to get my alt from 6 to 20 before the weekend so I can take another normal raid crack...
I believe Epitaph 2261 is an arc sniper, which is available from the Q-Master.

Anyway, I blew my Motes of Light on the exotic helmet engram. Sure enough, I got a Hunter helmet - the only character I don't have. Goddamn it.
I believe Epitaph 2261 is an arc sniper, which is available from the Q-Master.

Anyway, I blew my Motes of Light on the exotic helmet engram. Sure enough, I got a Hunter helmet - the only character I don't have. Goddamn it.

Ouch. Its like Bungie is truly trolling their customer base.

With so many other games out there, just don't see the appeal of playing Destiny's post end-game.
Yeah, this totally random loot thing needs to be re-thought. I sort of get it if it's a random drop from an enemy, but for christ's sake, when I'm a Warlock buying a friggin helmet engram . . . give me a goddamn Warlock helmet! Or at the very least, be aware of the characters I current have and at least give me a helmet for one of them. The way it is now feels amateurish.
comes november with new games, move on from destiny :D

btw just raid again last night and, blargh. Ascendand shards again.

just checked destinydb

Raids Attempted 43
Raids Cleared 7

lol it seems i play too many without finishing atheon.
I believe Epitaph 2261 is an arc sniper, which is available from the Q-Master.

Anyway, I blew my Motes of Light on the exotic helmet engram. Sure enough, I got a Hunter helmet - the only character I don't have. Goddamn it.

Yes you should buy Patience and Time.

One of it's biggest uses in PVE is its ability is to stealth first, walk out, aim, and throw down 6 quick headshots on the enemy, and then running away.

People underestimate Patience and Time and grossly overestimate Icebreaker.

With a good aim you get to shoot maybe 6 shots in 4 seconds (precision every shot) using Icebreaker. With Patience and Time you can do it easily in 2 secs because of the ridiculously low recoil (this is also true for Praedyth's Revenge, but Patience and time hits for considerably more).

In regards to single shot damage, Ice breaker hits for 1284, while Patience and Time hits for 1033. However, counting in stability, Ice breaker will force you to lag behind on DPS.

As a comparison, when fighting Atheon, I can throw in about 9 shots total in the time frame (including reload) with Ice Breaker. With Patience and Time I can at least throw down 15~20 shots without any issues. I believe clearing the ammo reserve is also doable.

Ice breaker's biggest advantages are high alpha and ammo regen. You're much better off walking with Patience and Time if ammo isn't a problem, and if you're looking for damage output.
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Well, for me I bought a knucklehead radar from Xur early on.

So I dont really have need for any exotic from Xur engram. Just shard what you dont need, since motes are fairly useless imo. I look at it more like "I got 2-3 shards from these useless motes, cool".

Although a case can be made for keeping all exotics regardless, "just in case" you make a char of that class later (even me now with all 3 hunters, I could always delete one at some point).

So yeah, that's how you should look at it imo, anything you get from motes is gravy.

I dont know, for every change you could make to make the game "easier", I'm conflicted on. Even I'm not sure if I would want the game to "detect" what I have and never give me that again.

Heck I'm not even sure I love the ten bounty slots upcoming, even though, I love it :p I do recognize it's kind of handholding a little more.

I dont know, I just recognize a contradictory nature in a lot of the loot complaining. If great loot constantly fell from the sky, then what would be the point of it?

Perhaps the system could use some tweaking. Purple engrams yield a purple item was a 100% good change imo. But yet, you do not get any more purple items than before. Which, I approve of. It's just handled in a better way.
IMHO the effort/reward/currency relationship in the game is completely broken.

65marks gives you a legendary armor you can dismantle in about 2-3 shards. The work of perhaps 2 days.
150marks gives you a legendary weapon you can dismantle probably in the same amount of energy(never done so). It's the work/time of 9 days due to the 100 mark cap.

When I get a purple engram I'm usually happy because it's rare but then it usually decodes into a Strange Coin or some energy/shard. Even if you think about the dismantle relationship a legendary weapon is far rarer than any Strange Coin or Shard/Energy in the game.

Not to speak about the work you need to put into fully equipping them especially Exotics.

Really funny is the 1 Strange Coin for Heavy Ammo Synthesis at Xur.
IMHO the effort/reward/currency relationship in the game is completely broken.

65marks gives you a legendary armor you can dismantle in about 2-3 shards. The work of perhaps 2 days.
150marks gives you a legendary weapon you can dismantle probably in the same amount of energy(never done so). It's the work/time of 9 days due to the 100 mark cap.

When I get a purple engram I'm usually happy because it's rare but then it usually decodes into a Strange Coin or some energy/shard. Even if you think about the dismantle relationship a legendary weapon is far rarer than any Strange Coin or Shard/Energy in the game.

Not to speak about the work you need to put into fully equipping them especially Exotics.

Really funny is the 1 Strange Coin for Heavy Ammo Synthesis at Xur.

I disagree.

So far it seems very well done, as you rise through the lvls it gets harder and harder to lvl. Just like it should be.

29 to 30 is brutal.

And there is a simple reason for the seemingly craze expensive heavy amo synth, at some point you will have so many strange coins and nothing to use them for.

Blizzard did an excellent job.
Yeah, this totally random loot thing needs to be re-thought. I sort of get it if it's a random drop from an enemy, but for christ's sake, when I'm a Warlock buying a friggin helmet engram . . . give me a goddamn Warlock helmet! Or at the very least, be aware of the characters I current have and at least give me a helmet for one of them. The way it is now feels amateurish.

You bought an engram, a roll with the dice, nothing else. You put your exotic in the bank and maybe one day you can use it. It's harsh but that is simply to be expected. I think they are very friendly since your items aren't bop or soulbound but can be used freely among your chars.
IMHO the effort/reward/currency relationship in the game is completely broken.

65marks gives you a legendary armor you can dismantle in about 2-3 shards. The work of perhaps 2 days.
150marks gives you a legendary weapon you can dismantle probably in the same amount of energy(never done so). It's the work/time of 9 days due to the 100 mark cap.

When I get a purple engram I'm usually happy because it's rare but then it usually decodes into a Strange Coin or some energy/shard. Even if you think about the dismantle relationship a legendary weapon is far rarer than any Strange Coin or Shard/Energy in the game.

Not to speak about the work you need to put into fully equipping them especially Exotics.

Really funny is the 1 Strange Coin for Heavy Ammo Synthesis at Xur.

If you raid a decent amount and/or do your dailies, I havent found either shards or energy really a limiter. I dont even do the dailies anymore. I have ~40+ each shards and energy, and they're just not a problem. If they do become one again, I'll start hitting the dailies again or whatever.

And it's 1 strange coin for 5 heavy ammo from xur. Which is actually a really good deal, a guy in the raid was talking about that last night, always buy in bulk from Xur or you're getting ripped off :p

I kind of sense a divide here between people who have time to play a ton and those who dont and can play sometimes 8 hours plus per day :) Like for me, strange coins, shards, exotics, are not really hard to come by (anymore). If you have maybe 1-2 hours per day, maybe the view is different. Or it could be just a level thing, if you're 24-25 versus 28-29.

29 to 30 is brutal.


If there's one "complaint", it's that 29 to 30 is really at the mercy of RNG. Where every other level, can be worked for fair and square. I dont know if it's a complaint for me really, just a difference.

Even then, it's all about increasing your odds with RNG, as I was saying, with 3 chars all doing hard, you have up to 24 loot points per week. Versus 1 guy just doing normal, he has 4. Put the odds in your favor.

Which granted, takes a ton of time. But that's how all MMO's are structured. More time=more rewards.

There's a whole long video series, not that I buy much of it, by a commentator named Matt Lees, where he goes into how Destiny is an examination of the human psyche or some such. In Destiny you can work for things, or hope to win them in RNG, and he says studies always show people prefer random rewards rather than work=surety, and Destiny's systems exploit that in order to be more addictive, perhaps almost maliciously in his view. So to him, that's what the lootcave hubbub was all about. Again, I dont really agree with all that, but it's interesting.
Ok i will do it then. Which primary weapon should I go for?

Right now the go-to Primary weapons are of course the Raid ones.
Any legendary primary would also work, as long as you like it.

Atheon's Epilogue - Dr. Nope with stability perks all enabled with void damage to show off.

Vision of Confluence - Very well rounded Scout rifle with everything you ever want, with a magazine large enough to call itself a semi-AR, auto-fire, and damage of 3/4 a handgun. Oh, it's solar damage too.

Fatebringer - Very well rounded arc handgun that concentrates on headshots to create AOE damage and shortened reload time. Oh did I tell you with the max ammo perk it can hold 13 rounds and ~100 rounds in reserve?

Praedyth's Timepiece - The gun that's evading me (for 9 hard raids) that I desperately want. I call it it the ultimate support arc PR. Bring one to a boss fight and you'll find your teammates (and yourself) landing precision shots for something like 25% more damage. That alone is worth it, and it's also pretty decently well rounded with respectable stats. Impact is a bit low but considering the magazine size and rate of fire it's acceptable. Field Scout I've heard brings your ammo count to 42.

TBH none of the exotic primaries really pull their weight for sacrificing their 1 exotic spot that can otherwise be used for Gjallahorn, Ice breaker, Pocket infinity.
I've upgraded Truth to a certain extent, and I find it to be extremely underwhelming. It does have excellent explosion radius and good velocity, but the premature detonation takes away the "double hit" ability when you aim. That's like 30% less damage for direct hits.

Come to think of it most don't even show themselves to be worthy after comparing to raid gear.

These are from my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. I'll try to be as unbiased as possible here. These are regards to PVE. PVP is another story.

Bad Juju- So bad Bungie called it out to be buffed.

Fate of All Fools - Unavailable

Hard Light - overpenetrates, but stringing enemies isn't exactly that valuable in Destiny.

Hawkmoon - high damage, with 3 random rounds dealing a heck more. Other abilities are soso.

Mida Multitool - I've heard the best use of it is to find chests. Other than that you'd probably want to use Vision of Confluence

Monte Carlo - If you're fighting close range and relying on your melee, you're doing something wrong.

Necrochasm - Unavailable

No Land Beyond - Unavailable

Red Death - Kills healing you doesn't really do that much.

Suros Regime - has good DPS, but only in the last rounds of the magazine. In other cases, it handles quite frankly like a auto-mode enabled scout rifle. Simple answer is to run with a Scout rifle instead of a Suros. Something to take note is the relatively small reserve ammo count of ~400 rounds that won't help in prolonged engagement.

The Last Word - Terrible impact for a handgun TBH (only hits a bit more than a scout rifle), but precision damage with the skill may be good. I'm still trying it out.

Thorn - So bad Bungie called it out to be buffed.

Universal Remote - I have a slot called special weapons for shotguns thank you very much.

Vex Mythoclast - Actually pretty decent for a primary. Solar also helps, but the ~100 round reserve and 56 ammo count (adding up to ~165 ammo) for the price of an exotic.... Nah. Wait for the buff.
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I disagree.

So far it seems very well done, as you rise through the lvls it gets harder and harder to lvl. Just like it should be.

29 to 30 is brutal.

And there is a simple reason for the seemingly craze expensive heavy amo synth, at some point you will have so many strange coins and nothing to use them for.

Blizzard did an excellent job.

I didn't talk about leveling/RNG but the work/currency relationship where you exchange goods for other goods which are not equal. If you work 1 week and get 1USD or 10 Euro and the 10Euro can be exchanged into 5USD the imbalance would lead to a collapse. That's Destiny's economy in a nutshell.

BTW, you can get the Heavy Ammo Synthesis for 950 glimmer from the Gunsmith. That's why the 1 SC one is funny.