Goddamn it Strange, you're killing me here, LOL! I respect your opinion, and I appreciate that you're willing to share your thoughts/advice. I'm looking at weapon purchases from the perspective of someone who is going to have to solo most everything. Also, Strange Coins are very hard to come by for me (because I solo everything with ass weapons). These are the main reasons why I think I should hold out for Icebreaker. The ammo regen perk is just too damn useful from my perspective. That said, I suppose I could just stock up on ammo synthesis consumables to deal with the ammo shortage thing.
By the way, what are your thoughts on these Legendary scout rifles: A.1F19X-RYL versus Proxima Centauri II
Try to make the most out of what you have. Suros Regime was a "must buy" at the time and I happily gave up on it. Turns out that was a good choice because I ended up with VoC shortly after and it turned out to be much better.
I have 3 characters that can solo LV28 heroic, so it gives me at least 27 strange coins guaranteed every week. That means I get to buy at least one weapon every week without worrying about running out of them. So you should keep that in mind.
If you're short on coins, you don't have to buy it. In fact, I would suggest you to save it.
Save it for "game changers" like Icebreaker or Gjallahorn or exotic gear that help you hit 30.
Time and Patience is a good buy for somebody that wants to be able to optimize engagements for all situations. It's a great weapon for those purposes.
However, it's not good for opening up new engagement possibilities (the way that Ice breaker, Gjallahorn, and Pocket infinity does). So I would suggest you to hold up and save at least 15 coins for next week (I assume you can get at least 2~3 strange coins in a week, that's pretty easy) and see if any of the "game changers" show up.
As for the two guns that are sold from Vanguard, I would choose A.1F119X solely due to the much better stability. However, I don't consider either one to be strong competitors end game. Get them if you need something to get through, but I wouldn't suggest investing too many energy into them as they will soon be off your consideration list. At least upgrade them to 267 damage or so though.