Discuss properly or not at all.
I must say it seems you actively look to find the smallest things to reprimand me. I didn't outright call him a troll, I said that's what it seemed to be. I ultimately didn't know. He begins by saying the two photos look a generation apart, then follows up with "building detail extends farther" which is observably false even without zoom. I don't think it's unreasonable to ponder whether it is a trolling comment or not. Anyone making such an observation in favor of one over the other, is either being facetious/trolling, or is highly uninformed. So Silent buddha, if you weren't trolling, then please ignore.
Moving on...
The Spiderman 2 footage is rendering at native 4k with ray traced reflections on body of water and building windows. Same can't be said about the Matrix demo. I will stress again, the camera is panned much further out than Matrix demo. In regards to TOD, yes you will see more instances of shadowing in Matrix because Spiderman shot takes place during evening. I will also point out that the Matrix demo doesn't seem to do a great job of maintaining accurate scaling for the sizing of the buildings (which as you point out are little more than grey squares with no detail whatsoever) further out into the distance. Making everything look very toy-like.