Yeah. I can appreciate just how much work must go into figuring out baseline performance and visual targets across a multitude of platforms. Don't get me wrong, even from my very basic understanding of the process it's perfectly understandable why they do it the way they do. I just wish it didn't have to be that way.Consoles having a fixed target makes them easier to focus on as a baseline. This isn't new phenomenon, especially when games got so complex every developer had to account for parity in quality of release just to account for how difficult it was accounting for all the platforms, and even then it's hard to do as we see.
PCs are evolving platforms. Devs could target hardware of the future and include settings which truly utilize art and assets of a visibly higher quality, with more objects, more detail, more physics, more particles, more variety, ect ect.. Things which actually separate it visually from the baseline. I know devs aren't going to build visuals that are generationally different for a tiny fraction of the overall market they're targeting, like I said, it makes sense.. But then you start to think of future consoles, and backwards compatibility.. and you know what? They're kinda like evolving platforms too now, right? How cool would that be if these improved assets, details, density and variety.. could then be enabled for a PS5 Pro when it releases down the line, or PS6?
You know what I mean? Imagine if they created higher quality assets for PC, scaled them down for use on the base consoles, then enabled them for the Pro/future consoles.
Anyway, it's just a dream lol.