Full Summary:
1) Discussion was about multithreading, multicore, multi CCU, Streaming Architecture, Cross Flat form
2) They support SM 2.0 and upwards
3) They scale the modules into seperate into different entitities, they support multicore, multithreading and multiCPU systems
4) Xbox 360 CPU resembles hyperthreading, in principles 3 CPUs with 2 threads making it 6 threads but they call it 1.5 threads instead of 2 threads
5) Playstation 3 doesnt come close to hyperthreading, its completely different with the core having 2 proper long threads and SPEs having 7 shorter threads.
6) In terms of final game, the Playstation 3 SPU is not as flexible as a conventional processor, and therefore they scale it to the 7 SPEs
7) Because Playstation 3 architecture is so different, we need to make special adjustments for it , a normal programming policy does not work with playstation 3.
8) Sony might say they have improved thier development environment alot but thats thier wish and that is far from the truth, one must do alot of lower level work to make things work on playstation 3.
9) Cost and Development for converting from single core to multicore, multithreading systems is alot and severe.
10) When we take a single core game code and run it on multithreads, it loses its efficiency , but when you optimise it, the awards are much higher
11) The largest problem with moving advancing hardware is cache missing.
12) The difference between an Intel PC and a Xbox 360 is closer because of hyperthreading than is the difference between Xbox 360 and PS3 even though they essentially use the same PPC core.
13) The only common thing between PC, X360 and PS3 is multithreading
14) A single core Xbox 360 processor would be more efficient than the PPC processor of Playstation 3 but that seems to change when we take into account the 7 SPEs.
15) Being that Playstation 3 is much more different than PC and Xbox 360, we have to make a sub engine for the playstation 3.