With just a small bit of couting and pausing the video, I can tell that the "guys-made-of-boxes" legs each have 896 boxes per leg (x = 8, y = 28, z = 4. His "torso" counting only up to his armpits appears to have 1216 boxes (x = 19, y = 16, z = 4) That's so far a total of ~3000 boxes.
From his armpits up, I couldn't get a good count from the youtube. I'd assume we could double the "lower half" number, so maybe 6000 boxes total? So apply gravity, collisions and the ensuing destruction of said boxes to all of those objects... And then dynamically light, shadow, texture and then calc for lightrays (you can see the first scene where the sunrays are enabled).
I know there are vector PC's out there that could calculate that kind of data in real time, but they aren't cheap.