I think Cevat pretty much hit the nail on the head when he said you can get anything to run on anything. Of course Crysis can run on next gen consoles. It could run on Wii too or even the DS if you strip it down far enough. I think the consoles will handle Crysis pretty well when it eventually lands on them (and it will). But there will be some obvious sacrafices. As people have already mentioned, you simply can't stream a world that large with that much detail from a DVD (or even a HDD if you have limited memory) so reagdless of whether the consoles can achieve the DX9 level of effects the game outputs, it will likely still have reduced detail, level size, or more loading screens purely sue to the fact that even DX9 GPU's (the good ones) come with a dedicated 512MB of memory and 1-2GB of system memory in the PC. So graphical power aside, memory will limit what the consoles can do.
When put next to pimped out DX10 rig, both memory and graphical power will limit what the consoles can do.
Oblivion is a great example of this. It has a big wide open world full of lush vegitaion like Crysis. However its clearly at a much lower detail level. However this game, despite its longer loading times than the PC version still had to cut back on foliage detail on the consoles compared to what a good DX9 GPU could achieve at the same settings and framerate. Pump up the detail for Crysis, meaning heavier demands on memory and the problem would only be more pronounced.
When put next to pimped out DX10 rig, both memory and graphical power will limit what the consoles can do.
Oblivion is a great example of this. It has a big wide open world full of lush vegitaion like Crysis. However its clearly at a much lower detail level. However this game, despite its longer loading times than the PC version still had to cut back on foliage detail on the consoles compared to what a good DX9 GPU could achieve at the same settings and framerate. Pump up the detail for Crysis, meaning heavier demands on memory and the problem would only be more pronounced.