The wet layer is very cool and the blend shader hopefully is performant on consoles as it could really help the repetitive textures in the urban environment. Nice demo all around, the scripting, lighting, and iterative design design focus really are cool. I hope they can make a killer game out of this!
Saw a bit of this during the conference this year...

Had a wander around the expo floor & they had all 3 versions of the engine up and running on a load of plasmas...

Looked really great until I decided to take a closer look at the PS3 version...

I dunno maybe it's because it's early days or what but overall the IQ was pretty terrible, bad texture filtering and no AA completely marred what would have otherwise been a nice looking scene...

Still, i'm sure they'll sort it out...
I dunno maybe it's because it's early days or what but overall the IQ was pretty terrible, bad texture filtering and no AA completely marred what would have otherwise been a nice looking scene...

Still, i'm sure they'll sort it out...

IQ is one department even Crysis on PC was lacking in. No transparency AA, no AF on many surfaces when parallax occlusion mapping is enabled, specular aliasing etc. Pretty much all the stuff that MSAA doesn't help with.

Point being, if G80 couldn't pull off good IQ in CryEngine, I would be very (pleasantly) surprised if the PS3 can.
Well it was more due to engine limitation rather than hardware limitation, I'd be surprised if they didn't addressed those issues for CE3 by now.

Also I remember them aiming for a full 720p+2*AA [or maybe just edge detect] for consoles.
Well, if MSAA doesn't help, then the 360 version should look much better, concerning jaggies etc.

I guess they WYSIWYG approach doesn't put the software into "bling" mode either. It shows you what it will look like more or less, but only after you set it into production mode will it render everything with the highest setting, I guess. I mean, a level designer could probably care less about jaggies and whatnot^^
Well it was more due to engine limitation rather than hardware limitation, I'd be surprised if they didn't addressed those issues for CE3 by now.

Certainly, but just keep in mind it's still a shader power issue.

Also I remember them aiming for a full 720p+2*AA [or maybe just edge detect] for consoles.
In the german article where they mentioned this, they only talked about PC/360. That said, the game is a long way from now.
Well it was more due to engine limitation rather than hardware limitation, I'd be surprised if they didn't addressed those issues for CE3 by now.

Performance on the highest end hardware of 2007 (lots more powerful than RSX) suggested that adding any fancier (and more GPU expensive) AA modes would've been a waste of time since no one could realistically use it.

Hopefully they'll implement some cool new IQ enhancing techniques in CE3, but I wouldn't expect such things to work on 4 year old hardware, be it PC or console.
IQ is one department even Crysis on PC was lacking in. No transparency AA, no AF on many surfaces when parallax occlusion mapping is enabled, specular aliasing etc. Pretty much all the stuff that MSAA doesn't help with.

Point being, if G80 couldn't pull off good IQ in CryEngine, I would be very (pleasantly) surprised if the PS3 can.

Fair points but from experience of playing Crysis on my workstation in the office (275GTX) I can definitely say that from what I saw of CryEngine 2 on the PS3 in the GDC build, it was a pretty severe step backwards in the IQ department...
Fair points but from experience of playing Crysis on my workstation in the office (275GTX) I can definitely say that from what I saw of CryEngine 2 on the PS3 in the GDC build, it was a pretty severe step backwards in the IQ department...

How was the 360 version in comparison?
Performance on the highest end hardware of 2007 (lots more powerful than RSX) suggested that adding any fancier (and more GPU expensive) AA modes would've been a waste of time since no one could realistically use it.

Hopefully they'll implement some cool new IQ enhancing techniques in CE3, but I wouldn't expect such things to work on 4 year old hardware, be it PC or console.

quick question from a guy who likes reading----how are graphics (sorry for lack of better word:oops:) created in the first place if the hardware to use them isn't out yet? how do the designers/developers run it, is it just not in realtime ie- frame by frame?
quick question from a guy who likes reading----how are graphics (sorry for lack of better word:oops:) created in the first place if the hardware to use them isn't out yet? how do the designers/developers run it, is it just not in realtime ie- frame by frame?

This is something I've often wondered but never thought to ask. I guess that each element/feature is rendered in isolation, i.e. a great looking skin shader (as we saw with the cryengine 2 heads in the tech demo).

It seems impractical to run the game at 3 FPS as a whole scene - how can they tell if the effect in motion is any good?

I don't suppose there are many devs who create stuff as far into the future as Crytek though.
Well, there's reference rasterizer, of course, and then the big gun devs tend to get their hardware quite a lot earlier than the customers do ;)
Looked really great until I decided to take a closer look at the PS3 version...
I dunno maybe it's because it's early days or what but overall the IQ was pretty terrible, bad texture filtering and no AA completely marred what would have otherwise been a nice looking scene...
I remember from the first showing of Cryengine 3 during a comparison of the outdoor scene, the ps3 version has noticeably sharper textures on the mountain and foliage than the 360's. I was lead to believe the former either has better texture filtering or simply higher res maps, so have things changed lately?
I remember from the first showing of Cryengine 3 during a comparison of the outdoor scene, the ps3 version has noticeably sharper textures on the mountain and foliage than the 360's. I was lead to believe the former either has better texture filtering or simply higher res maps, so have things changed lately?

I wouldn't know since the 360 version wasn't visible when I was there... Must have been an issue with the display since you could just about make out a picture but it was really really dark...