Yes. The geometry detail is more then an order of magnitude higher then what's possible on a console. Absolutely no jagged outlines and evidently better shading then any normal map can provide. It is the source model for the lowres version pasted into the scene somehow and that's it.
It must have been a pain to skin the source model...
I find it incredibly hard to believe that that Nanosuit is a real time model. It looks unreal. Not one polygonal edge visible. Character tessellation?
Amen to thatFirst pic has completely washed-out sky and bloom hazing out everything further away than 80 meters or so. Second pic, washed-out sky, bloomy haze. Third pic, crazy-ass bloom covering almost the entire screen. Fourth pic, washed-out sky again. Fifth pic, not too much bloom, but still (annoyingly) prominent in a couple spots. Sixth pic, again tons of irritating and overexaggerated bloom all over, and so on and on and on, pic after pic.
I believe thay said that these are consoles shots, but the nanosuit is cg composed in the image.
I doubt it's consoles screens.If These 'caustics' are really that ,then it's secondary GI bounces.Console versions should have only first bounce...
I'm still having trouble believing their low-frequency, diffuse GI solution could produce such an effect, though.
If it does not have to be a general caustics solution - which is the case here - then it could be something as simple as a projected texture, with the projection matrix adjusted depending on the light reflection angle.
Updated CryEngine 3 brochure: