Really? Have you got a link? Hope this doesn't mean sub hd res on the consoles.

Yeah your link lol:

The third iteration of Crytek's engine has picked up a fair bit of steam of late, with a number of third parties licensing the tech. You'll be seeing it in City Interactive's Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, THQ's unannounced shooter from Left4Dead developer Turtle Rock and Ubisoft's Far Cry 3, as well as Crytek's own projects, such as Ryse and Homefront 2.
Yeah pretty underwhelming considering the pressure from Epic's engine or the prospect of a juicy leap over current games. The best thing for Crytek to demo Cryengine 3 is obviously to show cough Crysis 3 cough, I want to see them push it as hard as Crysis 1.
Maybe i'm too easy, but I was really impressed with their video.

I mean it didn't show much but what it showed looked like a really high fidelity version of some of the best stuff we've had this gen, which is for me my expectation for what we'll get next-gen.

For me Epic's Samaritan demo is too amibitious for NG games. Even if we end up getting the HW capable of it (and I hope to God we do), I don't think most devs could concievably afford to develop entire games with that level of fidelity.

I'm sure CryEngine 3 is capable of Samaritan level visuals too. I just think that they're trying to be realistic about the expectations they set for gamers about what we should expect to see next-gen.
It looked like they were showing software actually coming down the pipeline which is totally different from what Epic is showing. Not really comparable.
That video shows why they removed the light coronas in CryEngine 3. Volumetric shafts/corona hybrids look good, but I prefer the old ones.
Maybe i'm too easy, but I was really impressed with their video.

I mean it didn't show much but what it showed looked like a really high fidelity version of some of the best stuff we've had this gen, which is for me my expectation for what we'll get next-gen.

For me Epic's Samaritan demo is too amibitious for NG games. Even if we end up getting the HW capable of it (and I hope to God we do), I don't think most devs could concievably afford to develop entire games with that level of fidelity.

I'm sure CryEngine 3 is capable of Samaritan level visuals too. I just think that they're trying to be realistic about the expectations they set for gamers about what we should expect to see next-gen.

I was impressed as well. Although anything that attempts to use tesselation well automatically gets me impressed.

It should be capable of most if not all of the Samaritan demo as they highlighted many of the same features and technologies that were used in it. Although Crytek has in house physics while UE3 uses PhysX by default, I believe.

CE3 is obviously more impressive than UE3 even with some of what they did for the Samaritan demo, but UE4 is the wild card here. That's likely to be what CE3 will be going up against for next gen consoles. Of course CE3 will have it's own evolution over time.

But UE and CE seem to be the premium engines available now days either way.

What are the premium games made on CE? UE3 has a pretty long list of games that either sold well or were reviewed well and can be spotted in AAA games all the way down to some arcade games. CE, from what I have seen, really hasn't made a dent, has it?
Not compared to UE no. UE has a significant advantage in that it's extremely well supported not only by Epic but other 3rd parties as well. And up until CE3, UE also had a fairly significant lead with regards to the developement tools I think. CE3 has caught up a bit certainly, but it's going to take a while for it to gain momentum.

Epic made a huge investment in the console space (both X360 and PS3) at the beginning of this generation and it has paid of for them in a huge way. Crytek basically doesn't have much of a chance this console generation with regards to engine licensing. The next generation of consoles will be the best chance for Crytek to make a dent. But even then, Epic will be going in with a significant lead in mindshare.

What are the premium games made on CE? UE3 has a pretty long list of games that either sold well or were reviewed well and can be spotted in AAA games all the way down to some arcade games. CE, from what I have seen, really hasn't made a dent, has it?

Crysis 2... and... errr... I give up :p

Yeah, it's a bit of a shame imho that CE3 hasn't engendered the market penetration that it's closest rival has. Of course that's mostly due to the fact that Crytek were too late to the party.

On the other hand the relatively poor performance of Crysis 2 on both consoles didn't really help them too imho. Where games like Gears came out in the beginning of the gen as a kind of poster child for what could be capable on UE3, CE3 didn't at all make a big enough splash on the consoles with its big debut game.

I heard from a handful of devs that had evaluated CE3 early on and made complaints about console performance.

Crytek overhyped the thing imho, and I think they should have tried to lobby Sony or MS to do an exclusive game first targeting getting the most out of a single platform first as their big CE3 debut showstopper. They not only would have benefitted from the "exclusive" game marketing from the platform holder, but also the viral marketing performed by all the platform fanboys raging about how amazing the dev and engine are.

I get that the multiplatform game release was important to showcase their MP tools as a big part of easing MP development, but with EA's meagre marketing support, and the fact that they clearly weren't given the time they needed to polish Crysis 2 across all platforms (coupled with the whole DX11 debacle on PC), i feel it actually hurt them overall, not just with Crysis 2 but with the marketability of their engine too imo.

Hopefully they're next game on PS360 can find its feet and pull in more interest in engine licnensing, not just for the current gen but next-gen too.
Just came across this:

Puppy said:

1080: beware the clouds were low res :(

Puppy said:


at the moment what I've shown could theoretically run on Console since i've worked to those budgets. (excluding any tesselated characters)
Overdraw wise with the vegetation however is something i cant budget for without a devkit, so take that claim with a pinch of salt :p everything else apart from that, yea it most likely could.


