It would be a shame if Crytek can't get a method like God Of War 3 to eliminate the jaggies for PS3..

Doesnt that method take like 20ms on 5 spus?If so i dont think they can spare that many,they even said they are squeezing every last drop from consoles and they did say spus are needled to the limit.I mean with those physics,GI,open,sandbox type of gameplay i find it more demanding on hardware then GOW III.
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I remember from the first showing of Cryengine 3 during a comparison of the outdoor scene, the ps3 version has noticeably sharper textures on the mountain and foliage than the 360's. I was lead to believe the former either has better texture filtering or simply higher res maps, so have things changed lately?

Wasn't that just bad encoding on the 360 version on that video? I think that was the decision back then.

See post #160.
Crytek admits it's getting more from Sony's machine

Crysis 2 PS3 'performs better than 360 version'
Wednesday 14-Apr-2010 12:45 PM

“We haven’t found it more difficult to develop for PS3,” he told PSM3 (via CVG). “We’re lucky in the fact that we’ve come to the generation slightly later than other people – the ones who were trying to build the first technology and games were surprised at how different the PS3 was. We took our time and worked out the right way to approach it.

“At the moment, we’re getting slightly more performance from PS3 compared to 360. I’m very confident that products using CryEngine 3 are going to come out as the best looking, or at least in the top three, on every platform.”
We're not going to attempt to discuss those sorts of loose PR comments here! If CE3 works better on PS3, we'll only be able to talk about it when we see any real game benefits. Otherwise it could be meaningless fluff that just causes aggro.
CryEngine 3.1 released:[tt_news]=176&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=93e0ad41c7

Frankfurt a. M. (Germany), 22 April 2010 – Today, Crytek is releasing version 3.1 of its CryENGINE®3 SDK. This is the first major upgrade to the award-winning all-in-one game development solution and includes many revolutionary features and innovative tools. CryENGINE 3.1 enhances the CryENGINE® Sandbox® toolset with a new Shader Editor showcased at GDC 2010, improved profiling tools to maximize performance and quality, upgrades to animation tools and the introduction of new features such as Procedural Deformation, Irradiance Volumes and physics-driven animations. All these features can be created with the unique Crytek “What You See Is What You Play” real-time pipeline, simultaneously across all supported platforms.

CryENGINE 3.1’s Blend Shader eradicates tiling of identical materials throughout games, without the need for large texture sets. A new Visual Budget System lets developers maximize performance and quality in their games, in real-time. Upgrades to the incorporated CryENGINE 3 Asset Browser ensure increased development speed for all designers and artists using CryENGINE Sandbox. Work has also been done to give directors and animators more control over their creations. The cut-scene and cinematic tool, TrackView, has been given a major overhaul, while the introduction of AnimGraph 1.5 not only facilitates access to parameters and blending values, but also features new tools that smoothly integrate animations with audio, particles, game events and effects.

Aside from the tools improvements, new features such as Light Propagation Volumes further enhance the already-impressive graphics of CryENGINE 3, making stunning interior, exterior and cinematic lighting effects possible in real-time. The powerful CryENGINE 3 Physics System now gives an unprecedented level of interaction with the game world by adding support for secondary damage effects from procedural destruction: deformation of materials in real-time, physics-driven hit reactions for animated characters in games and customized destruction for any material.

Further enhancements within CryENGINE 3.1 include optimizations in lighting and HDR, support for more artist-content creation tools, and improvements to CryENGINE® LiveCreate®, which allows real-time and simultaneous development of multiplatform games. Many of these are in response to the needs of the CryENGINE user community.

“With the rendering power of CryENGINE 3 and the beautiful graphics and realism we showcase on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, it can be easy to forget that the CryENGINE Sandbox tools are also state-of-the-art and the only 100% real-time toolset available today. We’ve always had a vast array of intelligent and efficient tools integrated with our all-in-one game engine and we continually improve these tools for the benefit of our licensees. The latest version of CryENGINE 3 includes some of the excellent work our tools team have produced since October, to make the creation of AAA games easier, more efficient and more enjoyable. At Crytek, we’re confident our tools match our engine power – and are the best in the business. Developers can easily evaluate the new version of CryENGINE 3 through our portal. Our dedicated support team is ready to help them discover how much fun they can have making amazing games in CryENGINE 3,” says Carl Jones, Director of Global Business Development CryENGINE.
Crysis 2 PS3 'performs better than 360 version'
Wednesday 14-Apr-2010 12:45 PM

Seeing that he used the words "At the moment" and "Slightly", is it far fetched to say that since the PS3 is currently where they're focusing their efforts (Cevat Yerli expressed his commitment to bring the PS3 version up to speed) that "At the moment" they're getting slightly more performance from the PS3, but eventually they'll both be around the same?
For what?

For hardware tessllation I'm guessing?

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't hardware tessellation allow you to do away with Normal Maps and implement a level of detail directly on the GPU allowing very detailed models with high poligons instead of the low poly used today with normal maps? In that case I doubt Cryengine 3 will do that

I believe Id Software is working on a hardware tessellation solution for DX11 enabled GPUs, maybe Id Tech 5 will implement HT, not sure if the consoles have the right hardware but mabye the 360's GPU will have some functionality. Does anyone know?