Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Yeah, Crytek must be mad, they tried to push the suit thing for years but it didn't really take off for them.
They should have improved the suit after C1 instead of nerfing it.

Graphics wise, there's nothing interesting here. Looks like a souped-up 360 game.
I donno I dont really follow these things
I did check out the first trailers from titanfall, killzone shadow fall & bf4 (repeat initial trailers) and both did show first person with the gun, admitedly only a few seconds each out of a couple of minutes. But still thats a few seconds longer than this COD video

edit - first COD ghosts cgi trailer, doesnt really have first person apart from a second (though without a weapon) so perhaps in this franchise there is precedence, graphically from ghosts & COD 2014 theres not much difference between the trailers, Im sure 2014 will look much better than ghosts, part of the reason to wait for real ingame footage.

There's a few scenes I noticed that look like what would be "gameplay angles". A few scenes (maybe most) that looks like QTE type scene, there's at least one scene (with the yellow lasers) in traditional FPS view with gun onscreen.
We have to remember that we're talking about a system that had severe framedrops and screen tearing running the Source Engine at 792p (Titanfall). If Sledgehammer really wants a consistent 60fps as a priority, they will run it at 720p on the Xbone, barring some nigh-miraculous optimization techniques. The highest resolution you could probably, feasibly hope for would be 900p with an inconsistent framerate.

It's called optimization. The game already looks a generation above Ghosts (strong words, but defensible, Ghosts is clearly a 360 game in HD, this looks next/current gen). Yet it's running in the trailer at 120P more res. I doubt the res is going to go down. My guess is maybe up, I'd think 900P might be possible, but then again because it'll be ~60, I wouldn't be sure of that. We're still 6 months out, so we wont know the final truth for a long time.

I'm not sure why you would expect technology to stand still rather than improve.

Acti has also mentioned this is the first COD game on a 3 year dev schedule. That seems like it could be a nice thing for the series going forward.
I'm interested in this again. Judging by the pictures, it's clearly not all out-and-out space marines.
Visuals look good, thats all there is for me. Rest is just dull.would have made an impact if Ghosts wasn't there first. But if I am not wrong there was hardly any gameplay in there and cutscenes can look as good as anyone wants. But , yes, if they bring good MP gameplay with these visuals intact, then yes, it should be good. I am not sure of Sledgehammer at all.

And btw, where's Treyarch ? :???: I was expecting to be shown a Treyarch next gen cod with playable mechs this year. How come this Crysis +Halo rip-off with blatant lifting of themes arrive instead ?
I think you are over reacting. We are only 6 months away from console launch,
Maybe I do, but the first wave of PS4/XO exclusives didn't incite much hope that this could change, and then you have the second wave with games like Division, Witcher 3, Project Cars, The Order, and even Arkham Knight.

There is another factor as well, So far it seems developers don't want to increase textures resolution beyond certain limits as they think it will go to waste with the current display resolutions (ie,1080p).

I certainly hope you are right, and we are at a brink of change, progress on the texture front is and has been stale for a very long time now.
And btw, where's Treyarch ? :???: I was expecting to be shown a Treyarch next gen cod with playable mechs this year. How come this Crysis +Halo rip-off with blatant lifting of themes arrive instead ?

Acti has 3 COD teams now, all will be on 3 year production schedule.
That was to increase the actual quality of the games going forward. Can't say its a bad thing, i want Treyarch to get more time, as i consider them the A team at this point
Someone on GAF mentioned that those hoverbikes will be present in the MP [not confirmed]. That would be a nice addition.
Sadly I think this probably is the max we are getting this generation. Even exclusives like KillZone, Infamous, Ryse, TitanFall didn't have better texture resolution. The best they could offer is textures that we have seen on PCs many years ago. Developers seem content with cramming textures into memory without any kind of streaming. Thus the capacity is wasted on storing huge amounts of medium resolution textures, whereas streaming could have allowed for the use of ultra-resolution textures.

It gets worse on PCs, games like BF4, COD Ghosts, Thief and TitanFall exceed 2GB of vRAM without offering any kind progress on textures, they are now joined by the late DayLight, first game on the Unreal4 engine, a simple claustrophobic game that uses 3.0GB of video ram @1080p despite it's modest textures and all because of the lack of streaming.

In the past, most of the graphical improvements in games came from textures, nowadays textures are retired to second or third places behind other 3D features.

Texture resolution in Shadowfall, Infamous and Ryse are quite bit better actually, they use a lot of high res maps on the main characters and even npcs in the case of Shadowfall.
I think things would definitely improve across the board when they start to use partial resident texture tech in the 2nd wave titles perhaps? But so far The Order sports by far the best texture res from what I've seen.
There's not so much a blatant lifting of themes : the exoskeletons are modeled on existing ones. It's current tech, with perhaps an exageration in what it can do and modeled to look better and leaner ; also in the real world you run through batteries quickly.
The drones/flying car things seem like a cross between toy quadcopters and the flying Jeep from the 1950s. (and remind me of Half-Life 2)

It is still the general theme of non-WW2 CoD series and its Battlefield clones : war porn, and war technology porn.
You one up the plain old Humvees, communication gadgets/HUDs/LCD displays, drone strikes and airstrikes etc., you get "future combat soldier" stuff and so maybe Active Denial System, lasers to blow up landmines or missiles, naval railguns. Throw in notions of pseudo special forces, state of emergency and non-state actors as needed by whatever the plot is (to say the least I didn't follow the plots, is it Arabs, Iranians or a rogue Russian colonel?)
Even exclusives like KillZone, Infamous, Ryse, TitanFall didn't have better texture resolution.

I will only contest Killzone because I have heard hard numbers on that. It was stated in the development documents that most assets in KZSF is 15x the texture budget of the previous gen. That's flying in the face of your claim there.
Texture resolution in Shadowfall, Infamous and Ryse are quite bit better actually, they use a lot of high res maps on the main characters and even npcs in the case of Shadowfall.
So is the case in PC version of Crysis 3, Metro games, Arma 3, Thief, Ghosts and others. Every game just slaps good textures on characters while leaving the rest of the world barren.

I will only contest Killzone because I have heard hard numbers on that. It was stated in the development documents that most assets in KZSF is 15x the texture budget of the previous gen. That's flying in the face of your claim there.
We are not arguing current gen vs previous gen, we are arguing current gen vs PCs. PC has enjoyed good res textures since long time ago, but it didn't improve that much despite the major strides in memory capacity. Now current gen comes and plays catch up, and PC gets stuck in the mud as usual (with crap like no texture streaming) until further notice.
I guess it is better than the future of drone warfare - COD Invisible Warfare?

Where they are stretching the imagination in a big way is the power of the suits, I can't imagine the forces the body is taking in some of those trailer scenes.
So is the case in PC version of Crysis 3, Metro games, Arma 3, Thief, Ghosts and others. Every game just slaps good textures on characters while leaving the rest of the world barren.

I wouldn't worry too much about texture res this gen since eventually MS and Sony would unlock more ram usage for the devs maybe up to 6-7gigs? I reckon it's down to material, shaders and gpu computing on cloth and hair etc to make a character stand out. This is why The Order characters looked so CGI like due to nailed down both the material and cloth physics, well 100k+ polys per character helps too. I just think a 60fps centric game like COD simply doesn't have the luxury to employ those effects to ever match up to the likes of Crysis, Killzone and Metro. So you are more than likely to see more improvements in the aforementioned titles as devs go full currentgen and better utilize console's power.
I guess it is better than the future of drone warfare - COD Invisible Warfare?

Where they are stretching the imagination in a big way is the power of the suits, I can't imagine the forces the body is taking in some of those trailer scenes.
Internal organs are fitted with airbags.

The thing that always gets me is power source. Without something better than lithium poly batteries, these things wouldn't last more than 10 minutes on a charge. I suppose it'd add an interesting resource management to the gameplay. Find a power socket and recharge for a few hours every ten minutes, kinda like Captive on Amiga.
^:LOL: Awesome gameplay that would be ! And anyways those 10 minutes will be auto aimed and auto controlled by teh suit. Super hit game ! Next gen of COD is here :D !