Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

So to be clear, you're saying some parts look to be 1080P? Could you point out those scenes?

The cutscenes seem to be upscaled, Spacey giving his world dominance point of view. The main concern I see is the lack of proper AA and muddy looking textures. But hey, they have roughly 5-6 months on improving things.
The newest update in the IQ thread is putting the res at ~810P according to Global (damned if I can ever remember how to fully spell his name without looking at it)

That's not bad, at least it's an improvement on Ghosts 720P, all while looking a site better. And an even bigger improvement on last gen's 1024X600.
The newest update in the IQ thread is putting the res at ~810P according to Global (damned if I can ever remember how to fully spell his name without looking at it)

That's not bad, at least it's an improvement on Ghosts 720P, all while looking a site better. And an even bigger improvement on last gen's 1024X600.

No it's still pretty bad.
So to be clear, you're saying some parts look to be 1080P? Could you point out those scenes?

Since I was the guy who initially made the comment about "wondering" about differing resolution, now that the gamersyde video is out and i've seen it, without doing any pixel counting it looks via the gamersyde video through my untrained eye to maybe I'd guestimate fluctuate between 1080p upscaled from between ~720ish and ~900ish, though never reach native 1080p. Maybe various scenes derived from different x1 builds?

Just with so much dishonesty lately with developers not being honest about source of videos (eg last years BF4) I'd like to call them out on it a little, i'll still probably buy the game and I dont mean to roast them over it,
thats the whole reason I initially brought up the video because I want to call out a little
if they are not on the up and up.
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Mafia's actual in-game character faces



.. I wanted to post that in the context of this thread's first page :). I was greatly impressed back then and that's now 12 years ago. Of course it's all too obvious they simply spent a lot of the textures budget on faces, then the suits and ties are like 1/8th of the resolution.
A few years earlier, human characters were little more than stick figures in 3D games.
I have found 2 different gameplay cinematic scenes at very very roughly ~810p (horizontal & vertical) and one Kevin Spacey cutscene at more precisely ~840p (only horizontally verified here though).

EDIT: ~840p might finally be the right resolution for both gameplay-ish scenes and Kevin Spacy cutscene.
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That's a misnomer, as TR DE ran at 900p not only during certain cut-scenes, but also during certain gameplay scenarios as well.
That's a misnomer, as TR DE ran at 900p not only during certain cut-scenes, but also during certain gameplay scenarios as well.

There was only one instance of <1080P gameplay spotted that I know of, and it was a screencap that occurred directly a second or two after, a cutscene, so the engine was probably transitioning. As far as I know gameplay was straight 1080P then, unless there's more evidence otherwise.

Gamersyde link if it has not been posted yet -

It's "only" 374 MB though. While still the best version I assume, it's quality still suffers on fullscreen. You'd think they'd make much higher versions available. Then again I guess when 99% of people will just watch on YT, there may not be much point.

Some screens look good others look low res.
Though the video (Ive never played COD) but was there any gameplay?
I think COD is a FPS yet did not see that at all, looked all cutscenes

Err, isn't that the way every game does for a while now? It's always third person view in trailers even though you play in 1st person, anyways it (other than Spacey et al) clearly looked like real gameplay just from third person view. You wont see "real" gameplay till, well E3 stage demo I guess which isn't long.
To be fair, these are not your average Space Marines. They are Kevin Spacey Marines!
OK closer inspection on the screenshots tells me tons of low res textures and low res shadows, not nearly as mind blowing as I initially thought so this should definitely be 1080p on the ps4.
Err, isn't that the way every game does for a while now? It's always third person view in trailers even though you play in 1st person, anyways it (other than Spacey et al) clearly looked like real gameplay just from third person view. You wont see "real" gameplay till, well E3 stage demo I guess which isn't long.
I donno I dont really follow these things
I did check out the first trailers from titanfall, killzone shadow fall & bf4 (repeat initial trailers) and both did show first person with the gun, admitedly only a few seconds each out of a couple of minutes. But still thats a few seconds longer than this COD video

edit - first COD ghosts cgi trailer, doesnt really have first person apart from a second (though without a weapon) so perhaps in this franchise there is precedence, graphically from ghosts & COD 2014 theres not much difference between the trailers, Im sure 2014 will look much better than ghosts, part of the reason to wait for real ingame footage.
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You're actually hoping that the Xbone version will hit 1080p, and have lighting/shadows parity with the PS4 version? I wouldn't get my hopes up. Where do you think that surfeit PS4 power goes? It just disappears, or goes ignored by the devs?

We have to remember that we're talking about a system that had severe framedrops and screen tearing running the Source Engine at 792p (Titanfall). If Sledgehammer really wants a consistent 60fps as a priority, they will run it at 720p on the Xbone, barring some nigh-miraculous optimization techniques. The highest resolution you could probably, feasibly hope for would be 900p with an inconsistent framerate.

Ok you really took offense to what I said about the X1 hitting 1080p or at least 900p?
Your also putting words in my mouth saying that Im hoping for lighting parity.
Why the Hell do you care what this game looks like on the Xbox One anyway?
Your comment also shows you really dont understand what you are talking about.
The frame rate and resolution of Titanfall and the source engine doesnt have anything to do with CODAW. Im glad you also have insider info regarding the final res and framerate of this just anounced game. You do know that regardless of how you feel about the X1 there will be big improvements made in gfx over what has been achieved with the launch titles we have seen. That goes for every console ever made. You also seem to live in the same reality alot of other uninformed people do that think the Xbox one is completely incapable of reach 1080p 60fps. Now with that out of the way If I had to bet right now I would guess CodAW will run at 900p 60fps on the X1. You never know it could have a dynamic res on both nextgen consoles
which could turn out to be great if its locked at 60fps. Yes everyone knows that the Ps4 has more gpu grunt, but that doesnt mean graphics for future games wont show improvement from what we have seen on both systems. Im totally fine with your high opinion of the Ps4, I like it too but dont get all offended when someone does some positive speculating about a game on "That other console".
OK closer inspection on the screenshots tells me tons of low res textures and low res shadows, not nearly as mind blowing as I initially thought so this should definitely be 1080p on the ps4.
Sadly I think this probably is the max we are getting this generation. Even exclusives like KillZone, Infamous, Ryse, TitanFall didn't have better texture resolution. The best they could offer is textures that we have seen on PCs many years ago. Developers seem content with cramming textures into memory without any kind of streaming. Thus the capacity is wasted on storing huge amounts of medium resolution textures, whereas streaming could have allowed for the use of ultra-resolution textures.

It gets worse on PCs, games like BF4, COD Ghosts, Thief and TitanFall exceed 2GB of vRAM without offering any kind progress on textures, they are now joined by the late DayLight, first game on the Unreal4 engine, a simple claustrophobic game that uses 3.0GB of video ram @1080p despite it's modest textures and all because of the lack of streaming.

In the past, most of the graphical improvements in games came from textures, nowadays textures are retired to second or third places behind other 3D features.
Sadly I think this probably is the max we are getting this generation.

In the past, most of the graphical improvements in games came from textures, nowadays textures are retired to second or third places behind other 3D features.

I think you are over reacting. We are only 6 months away from console launch, many devs are still focused on crossgen efforts [including Spacey Warfare], and it is too early to make proclamations that console tech will forever remain fixed in this current state.

Son devs will exit from the "1st wave" cycle in which majority of the games started production when console specs where unknown. When we exit "PC port" and "lets make crossgen games" stage, then competition will kick in, as always mostly fueled with the efforts of 1st party developers who will showcase to the world what these consoles are really capable of.

By my thinking, 1st wave of nextgen games will end in spring/summer of 2015. Fall 2015 will be very interesting game tech wize, I expect many visual gems.