that usually doesn't matter because in 99% of cases, the 360 was the lead platform and ps3 got the crap ports
No one cared about wrestling with balancing the cell and RSX except Sony, and that definitely showed how bad Sony fucked up with their hubris designing the thing.
Only FF13, and LA.Noire and Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm franchise (first party games by default of course) were ever lead platform on PS3, and that definitely showed with much higher picture clarity for cut-scenes on PS3, and generally better performance.
360 by and large dominated the 7th gen in terms of games designed around its platform, even above the PC for a long time.
Only FF13, and LA.Noire and Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm franchise (first party games by default of course) were ever lead platform on PS3, and that definitely showed with much higher picture clarity for cut-scenes on PS3, and generally better performance.
360 by and large dominated the 7th gen in terms of games designed around its platform, even above the PC for a long time.
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