Natoma said:This is basically become a farce. This is a step by step recount of this whole brouhaha.
1) You stated that homosexuality was a deviant mutation if I believed that it is genetically predisposed.
To which you stated my argument was comprised of homosexuality being a condition and a sickness. never once did i state this. You have agian stated your characterization of my arguments was "dead on". This is of course not true and when pressed to give examples you could not. You merely left the thread without answering to my request.
The matter of wether or not you stated i used the word deviant to describe sickness/bad/something negative is a side issue to the fact that you stated i called homosexuals as deviant mutations. Which i never stated i believed yet you continue to tell me i do.
2) I stated that you called homosexuality a deviant mutation.
3) You stated that you never said such a thing.[/quote
No, i as refering to you your use of the word deviant. You had stated from the very begining my argument was comprised of homosexuality be a condition to be cured as well as a sickness. I refered to homosexuality being a deviant muation by your reasoning, which of course it would be if sexual orientation is predetermined.
I did not CALL homosexuality a deviant mutation. I stated if it WERE a genetically predetermined condition it WOULD BE a deviant mutation.
Why would i believe homosexuality is a deviant mutation if i do not believe orientation is caused by genetics?
Proof:Legion said:No, i haven't and yes you are misrepresented my argument. What i stated to you was, implying that there was a genetic cause would also imply mutation. When did i ever stated i believe homosexuality is a deviant mutation?
4) I provided the exact quote where you did.
Proof:Legion said:Unless of course you believe were predispositioned to be homosexual then you might as well refer to yourself as a deviant mutation...
Right here you catch yourself in your own canard Natoma! Read EXACTLY what i said!
The first statement is quite obvious:
If you imply there is a genetic cause that would imply mutation. This is 100% true if you adhere to the theory of evolution.
The next statement is clearly sarcasm Natoma:
If you believe there is a genetic cause you are allowing yourself to be called a mutation.
As i said before i was trying to make a point to you. That by supporting your beliefs you are ultimately doing more harm to homosexuals.
5) You continue to refute that and say that you've never called homosexuality a deviant mutation. Then you make this qualifier about "wicked mutation" or "(evil, destructive)".
I haven't stated homosexuality is a deviant mutation Natoma. You can stop now. I don't believe sexual orientation is genetically caused so why the hell would i believe it to be genetic mutation?
All those qualifiers regarding deviant = wicked or evil or destructive are your legion, not mine. I've already shown over and over and over where you stated that homosexuality is a deviant mutation. And if you don't believe me, here it is again, your own words.
Yes lets laugh together at your own reasoning.
yes you know i don't believe in genetic predisposition yet i believe homosexuality is a genetic mutation....the joke is on you.