Is Sony losing its publishing moxie?

Lived up to the hype for me and I would like to know if you played it.
I am still waiting for the PS+ edition of DriveClub and I did not play The Order. Every review I read last Thursday (and I read a lot of them) convinced me this would not be a game I would enjoy because it's an amalgamation of pet peeve game mechanics. Curated gameplay (hand holding), chopping between gameplay and cutscenes, poor stealth, gameplay that never develops and has little variation.

This doesn't make it a bad game, but definitely a bad game for me. I like freedom to play a game how I feel like playing it. GTA, Shadow of Mordor and The Last of Us are all third person games that encourage experimentation and giving you options on how to accomplish your goal. But wrestling control from me to play a cutscene irritates me no end. I'm not a statistical anomaly, the reviews speak for themselves.
I just find it odd, if I dont like a certain game because its not what I like I dont really comment on it but if I buy a game and it sucks I will say something.
I just find it odd, if I dont like a certain game because its not what I like I dont really comment on it but if I buy a game and it sucks I will say something.
You asked if I'd played it and I explained why I felt a didn't need to play it to know I wouldn't enjoy it. Similarly I wouldn't have to eat a cockroach kebab to know I wouldn't like that either.

But The Order is a timely example of what this thread is discussing. Nobody is saying it's universally a bad game that nobody can enjoy because there are people people in The Order game thread who have enjoyed it.
Yes but this thread is based on peoples reviews which I'm calling out by saying I enjoyed Driveclub and the Order because those are the two games thats brought about this thread. Thats also why I stated how long I've been playing games in my first post just to prefix my post with that I have played lots of different games some really bad ones and some fantastic ones. In otherwords what makes these other reviewers more qualified than me to rate these games other than having much better grammar and better spelling than me :)
The Order, Drive Club, Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son were all cited as examples of games which didn't live up to general expectations. The Order and DriveClub are more prominently in people's memories and I think launch window games do get a bit of a pass because of the accepted difficulty with working on unfinished hardware and SDKs that aren't complete.

As I said much earlier in the thread, I actually really liked KZ:SF and I also thoroughly enjoyed Second Son. I didn't think it was as good as the earlier games but I played it good then evil, back to back and enjoyed it so much it's one of the rare games that I the platinum trophy for :yes: But I get why some reviewers and some gamers were disappointed with it.

Nobody is saying any of these games are bad, just that they didn't blow people's peoples socks off despite being from well established and experienced developers with the backing of Sony's WWS resources.
I guess it depends which media you read. As a subscriber to both EDGE and GameInformer, I can tell you both outlets have been following developer and running articles fairly frequently.

All previews for The Order from Edge has been really negative.
Guerrilla, Evolution , Suckerpunch,RAD
Dont think those devolpers have hit the really high scores if my memory serves me correct. Previous Infamous games also only got 80s maybe 85 not sure, Killzone 2 I think got really good ratings Killzone 3 not so much, RAD its there first big console game. You say killzone shadowfall was good is it worth it to get it now secondhand? I've always liked killzone.
Guerrilla, Evolution , Suckerpunch,RAD
Dont think those devolpers have hit the really high scores if my memory serves me correct.
Evolution Studios are a very experienced racing studio and past games, from World Rally Championship through to Motorstorm, were pulling 80% (average), DriveClub is their lowest scoring title ever. Sucker Punch has a string of 9/10 hits with the Sly Cooper games and the Infamous games were generally well received by tho who like superhero games - which I didn't even know included me until I played the original inFamous demo(!). Before The Order, Ready at Dawn didn't have a game that scored under 84% - that was their low point until last week.

You say killzone shadowfall was good is it worth it to get it now secondhand? I've always liked killzone.
I've only played Killzone 2, which I liked despite the naff dialogue and heavy controls, but Shadow Fall is nothing like Killzone 2. It's not doing anything new in the genre and has a cliched story but I liked the OWL (drone) mechanic. But the gunplay is tight and shoot Helghast never gets old :nope:
I know the history of the studio's but its only Naughty dog really that recently has gotten the fantastic reviews and I think people expect all Sony studios to deliver that quality. Oops almost forgot about Sony santa monica.
I will say though that what I've played of the Order I have enjoyed just as much as the uncharted series.
Don't forget Team Ico. They may only make one game every 371 years, and sometimes skip an entire PlayStation generation if it's a silly shape, but the games they release are awesome.
Why would you remind me of team ico" shakes uncontrollable"
That reminds me Naughty Dog released 4 games last gen.
Sony should have bought Insomniac...

Resistance despite it's many critics is a solid franchise. Likwise Rachet and Clank is a beloved tentpole PS franchise.

Insomniac alone produced so many games last generation compared to most of Sony's other internal studios. Sure some of them weren't as well recieved, but when you have a studio that continuously pumps out consistently polished games like they do, you need to bring them in house.

They're superb dev imo, and their arguable worst game, Resistance 2, was so packed full of gameplay content and modes (i.e. 10+ hour SP campaign, 60 player competitive MP, Co-op campaign, as well as the single greatest 4-player coop mode in any game last gen), that any dissappointment in it's SP campaign was entirely offset by the sheer breadth of quality content on offer that none of Sony'd studios outside of ND have yet come close to matching.
Resistance was a wonderful franchise despite that it didnt re-invent the genre.
It was a direct to the point game that took all the nice elements we already experienced and crafted them nicely. It was just trying to be fun and for me it was
The way they treated the Ratchet franchise leaves a lot to be desired, though. After those absolutely magnificent main titles, they couldn't release anything more than smaller and crappier sequels.

Here's hoping for the remake on current generation. Please be good! Please!
But are Insomniac for sale? I do not get the feeling that Ted Price wants to be bought out.... but I have no idea...
The only problem of Sony's first parties: they don't produce enough games. Some have very long dev cycles imo.

We need moooaaarr!
I'm a bit worried about the next R&C.

They did a bad job with the franchise for years with bad games (all4one? ffassault?), and Nexus was good but not even half a game. Now the next R&C is a reboot, tied to a feature film release, the main writer left to make the film. They want to coordinate the film and the game's production, which is a potential cluster f**k. The humor in the game used to be rather geeky and a nice blend of comedy and character development, now for years it's been plainly childish. I hope the reboot brings back the old style.

Apparently they have a focus group screening for the R&C film tomorrow, I guess we'll hear about it soon?
Resistance was a wonderful franchise despite that it didnt re-invent the genre.
I've only played the first two and liked both. The first game was great in that you go through this change and you're basically by yourself. The second takes the logical step of finding out you're nor unique and being recruited into this elite squad, the Sentinels. I would dearly love a reboot.

I'm holding out for Sony eventually releasing Resistance 3 as a PS+ game