BSG "Definitely the last Season"

Just saw last night's episode.

Yeah, how much information!?!

Superb episode though, answered so much but there are still a few key questions left to be answered.

Oh and i'm actually liking the choice of the final 5th now. At first I didn't see the point.

I'm still not getting who was actually living on Earth though. Was it Humans or Cylons? And if Cylons, how did they get there in place of the original humans? I assume it was humans that came from Cobol and settled on Earth?

Or was it Cylons that came from Cobol originally? And who the hell destroyed Earth?
Yeah, how much information!?!

Superb episode though, answered so much but there are still a few key questions left to be answered.

Oh and i'm actually liking the choice of the final 5th now. At first I didn't see the point.

I'm still not getting who was actually living on Earth though. Was it Humans or Cylons? And if Cylons, how did they get there in place of the original humans? I assume it was humans that came from Cobol and settled on Earth?

Or was it Cylons that came from Cobol originally? And who the hell destroyed Earth?

Yes this was information overload! The way I understand it:

Humans originated on Kobol and developed Cylons. For some reason everyone left Kobol, 12 human colonies and 1 Cylon colony (Earth). The Earth Cylons learned how to procreate and lost resurrection technology (wtf), then the five reinvented it. Earth got nuked (by who?) and only the five made it off. They headed for the rest of the colonies to warn them not to make the same mistake again, but when they got there the original Cylon war had already started.

So yeah there are a lot of unanswered questions.
Not so sure about that... Why would the Five want to help the humans if the humans blew them up?
Err... got a question regarding BSG, I only watched the Miniseries so far (I assumed this to be yet-another-startrek-spinoff until some weeks ago). There are a few interesting notches of depth here, but I really cant stand the "Lords of Kobol" bit... the part where it gets overly religious at the end nearly made me throw up.
I dont have problem with a series theorising about god and higher powers (far from it), but when it starts to qoute some "bible" that seems to be taken serious in a time where ships zap around at FTL Speed somethings really wrong :oops:

Is this prevevalent through the series?
Is this prevevalent through the series?

Yes, but it usually comes in spurts. There'll be a few episodes with nary a mention of the 'lords', then it'll turn into a godsdamn Sunday School lesson. It's definitely the weakest aspect of BSG IMO, although it starts to sort of make sense as the plot is revealed. Minor spoiler, won't ruin your enjoyment of the show:
It seems some real events were somehow turned into bible stories. :???:

Besides it can be fun to watch Bill interact with the believers - "gods and scriptures, yeah that's great but we've got real shit to do!"
Yes this was information overload! The way I understand it:

Humans originated on Kobol and developed Cylons. For some reason everyone left Kobol, 12 human colonies and 1 Cylon colony (Earth). The Earth Cylons learned how to procreate and lost resurrection technology (wtf), then the five reinvented it. Earth got nuked (by who?) and only the five made it off. They headed for the rest of the colonies to warn them not to make the same mistake again, but when they got there the original Cylon war had already started.

So yeah there are a lot of unanswered questions.

Yeah your mostly correct. I've been doing some research around the web and it turns out that the human form Cylons left Kobol about 2000 years before the humans left to form the 12 colonies. So Earth is the oldest of the 13 colonies. That also explains the references to Earth on Kobol (which both Adamas fleet and the Cylons have since visited) and the influences that Earth has had on the 12 colonies. Clearly Earth and Kobol were in contact before the humans left to form the colonies.

As you say, the human form Cylons on Earth could procreate and so for all intents and purposes, actually were human. Also present on Earth were robotic Cylons so the question is, did they come from Kobol with the human forms or did they get developed on Earth? It seems likely to me that Earth was destroyed by the robotic Cylons who turned on their "human" creators as they did later in the 12 colonies. Hence why the episode started "all this has happened before, and it will happen again" - with a view of the devistated Earth.

Then again, the human exodus of Kobol and the destruction of Earth appear to have happened at roughly the same time so maybe they each caused the others destruction in a war.

Hell, its never been made clear that the hmans created the human form Cylons on Earth. Maye it was they that created the humans?

Man I love this series!
Heh, so I was right about 13 cylons... wrong about who it was. My guess now is that Daniel was Starbuck's father and she is 1/2 cylon (he was supposedly an artist and she painted the swirl...).
Lol! That's not the swirl Ellen was talking about!

The swirl is something she did while she was riding Cavil on New Caprica :smile:
Long ago I speculated that Doc Cottle would be revealed as a Cylon. I'm still nursing a long shot hope that somehow the "sensitive" Daniel model managed to survive by getting transformed into an opposite type. Maybe Ellen pulled a fast one? But how could she hide that from Cavil? But then I couldn't have the other cool alernative; Daniel, "the artist", being Starbuck's father. If Cottle was working behind the scenes it would help explain some stuff. Maybe as a genetic artist.

Guess I'm googling "swirl". :) Please dear god let it not be connected to something to do with a cup!
The ending sucked!

It sucked on many levels, even ignoring the rampant deus ex (Kara was an angel mkay). Here are some examples:
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • No seriously they destroyed all their technology
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The ending sucked!

It sucked on many levels, even ignoring the rampant deus ex (Kara was an angel mkay). Here are some examples:
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • They destroyed all their technology
  • No seriously they destroyed all their technology

I think it was fairly good ending.
I agree that it was ridiculous that they destroyed their technology, especially without even thinking about for a few seconds, but in order to make them our ancestors, it had to be done. It was kind of weird how the "evil" cylons got reduced during the series from having a massive army and numerous base ships in to a like four... guys without base ships or pretty much anything.
Great show anyways.
Yeah it's understandable they would be skeptical about technology, but to throw away everything is absolute lunacy. Why not just place really strict bans on AI development?

But what really sucks is them throwing 'God' in as the explanation for basically everything. Give me a frakkin break.
Didn't like the ending but I think the series went to shit once they started with the final five and Hera crap.
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