BSG being milked like any other successful show on TV....

This isn't a spoiler: it's speculation.

Since BSG's second season, many people have been speculating on the nature of the colonials, the cylons, the colonial gods, the "this has all happened before", the Oracles, prophesies, and the nature of both cyclon and colonial biology.

Nothing else can really explain all the goings on with Baltar, Roslin, Kara, et al, other than that somehow, *they are all cylons/humans* in some way. We have not really seen any huge difference between colonial/cylon biology, other than the fact that Cylons gets resurrected, Cylons succumbed to a virus, Cylons can interface with computers, and Cylon-hybrid blood cures cancer. The antagonist Cylons may simply be a more advanced model than the colonials.

Then there's the "twelve colonial gods - twelve cylon models - twelve colonies" aspect. I don't see suckage. I mean, since the beginning of the series, Ron has been dropping hints that the Cylons and Colonials are connected historically in some way, going back thousands of years to their whole religion. Obviously, the details weren't preset, but even as far back as Season 1, they've been dropping hints that this is not your father's BSG of Mormons in Space with good guys and bad guys.

Anyway, what evidence is there to support this? Well, if there are twelve Cylon models, and there were only supposed to be 5 more, how come we were shown potentially *more than five* You've got the 4 who heard Bob Dillon. The one who shared a dream with Six. And the one who Lee saw in the end (how else to explain the destruction and return?) Not to mention Baltar and Six's connection.

And Ron has pretty much confirmed that the 4 Bob Dylons *ARE* Cylons and this is no bait-and-switch. That means, we have only 1 model left, but many many supernatural visions in the show that can't be explained unless quite a few other Colonials turn out to be Cylons as well.

That means, there can't be only 12 cylon models. Only 12 "New Models" produced since the colonies invented (or reinevented) the Cylons. However, that doesn't mean that prior to the founding of the Colonies that the Colonials weren't cylons to begin with: very very old Cylons, biologically evolved over a long period of time, who forgot who they were.
I'm of the opinion that there are really 13 cylons, it just makes sense.

They keep talking about the 12 colonies, and the "lost 13th colony"....I think there is a "lost 13th cylon" and it's from Earth.
We have not really seen any huge difference between colonial/cylon biology, other than the fact that Cylons gets resurrected, Cylons succumbed to a virus, Cylons can interface with computers, and Cylon-hybrid blood cures cancer.

Don't forget the glowing spine orgasms! :LOL:

Ya that theme was taken up on aicn. The possible ancient aspect of the cylons. If they could build FTL drives 4000 years ago why not AI? The fact they heard the song was almost certainly not radio play due to its repetitive nature and no nebula is whithin 40 light years of earth even tho we see earth very close on a galactic scale near the end of the show. Roslyn is cylon influenced due to her transfusion and that could account for her visions... I doubt everyyone who has visions is cylon tho. Anyone under severe stress can experience things like very lucid bad dreams such as Starbucks (tho I think the spiritual angle is built around her). Personally I think Id go a little batty if the planet got widescale nuked. But if they are all cylons then wtf did the original 5 let the new 7 slaughter them all in an apocalypse? The old 5 also dont seem to have the weaknesses of the new 7. None suffered in the mini series from radiation unlike Leobon in the nebula with the ammo dump. So the 7 are built weaker or genetically more pure than the final 5? How could they be seen as the final 5 if they interbred with humans or evolved over long periods? Baltar did figure a way to ID cylons but like his navigation expertise he's keeping it to himself... . Im still thinking its not all genetics and some spiritual angle will be played. It need not be completely traditional spirituality tho. Until the very last show I think a ton of speculation will be had lol... I just hope Ron Moore can keep his ideas sufficiently original so that some geek didnt figure it all out before then end.
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One quick note about the song, notice how it was a cover and not by the original artist? For some reason that point stood out to me.
Anyone under severe stress can experience things like very lucid bad dreams such as Starbucks

Yeah, but there's a difference between lucid bad dreams and *lucid shared bad dreams between 3 people that are identical and simultaneous!*


Beside's the music-hearing cylons, there's the following potentials: Kara, Roslyn, Baltar, Oracles (Oracle knew exact dream D'anna was having?)

Imagine that Kara was destroyed when her viper blew up. But being a cylon, she "downloaded", only Colonials don't normally resurrect, they die, because there is no Colonial resurrection ship that is compatible with the final 5. However, once you get close enough to Earth or an Earth temple, you can be *resurrected ON EARTH*. Kara did not fly to earth, she died, and was resurrected there. How else did she get a new viper unless it came from earth?


1) Lee is having a vision (but Kara was signed for 4th season, confirmed)
2) Lee isn't having a vision, Starbuck is back, with a new, more advanced Viper that does not show up as a friendly on Dradis. The viper came from Earth.
3) perhaps the cylon ships in the nebula at the end will turn out to be from earth as well, not enemy cylons, but cylon ships full of replicas of the final 4/5! (notice, there were 4 ships when they zoomed out). You know, thousands of Tighs, Tyrols, etc.

Ya I chalk that up to the spiritual angle, shared consciousness or whatever Moore has in mind there. I mean if its just they are all cylons then he's breaking his story mythos, in this case of the 12 models, a 2nd time (even tho he could write up that it was just ignorance on the part of the 7 model line). First time breaking with the resurrect x6 at most was bad enough I hope he doesnt pull the storyline in that direction... I dont mean the show absolutely should have spiritual angle as if they owed it to the original series or that segment of the fan base but it just shouldnt be limited to cylon guessing. I like that part to an extent (what fan of P K Dick wouldnt like a little paranoia?) but it shouldnt be the only aspect other than finding earth... At least they can write up the story where at the end you can leave some interpretations to fans to think what some aspects of the show was all about.

Ya her timing with the cylon fleet is a bit unnerving... The 4 clicking, Roslyn visions... Too much happening at once. Cylon universality seems obvious... But maybe thats the sideswipe meant to have us guessing in the wrong vein... We can think up a heck of a backdrop in this uber-cylon line of the story. Im thinking of motivations already what with the social commentary that has been played into it so far why not go all the way as a critique of human behavior over long time periods... . I think if he knew we were to have 9 months to think about it he'd have us down the wrong path only to slap us silly with a surprise.
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