BSG being milked like any other successful show on TV....

Thank goodness. Most overrated show EVAR. We don't need yet another generation of fantards praising this crappy mishmash of things we've seen done better a hundred times before like it was the Jesus of SciFi.

I still don't understand all that Nerd Rage against 3rd season BSG.

We each have our own opinions :)

Personally i really enjoyed Firefly. It was fun, and gave me alot of entertainment, much more than Battlestar Galactica has done (which is why i havent watched a single episode of it from season 3)
L233: I'm intrigued. Explain why Firefly is overrated, if you will?
That's the wrong question to ask. The right question would be: what is it that supposedly made this show so great?

Was it the intriguing characters? Nope, they were pretty much all retarded stereotypes. The elderly negro preacher offering sage advice? The nerdy pilot? The stuck-up doctor? The random tough guy with a soft heart? The witty captain? The Dark Angel meets Leeloo kung-fu genius girl? The tomboy mechanic? Cliche galore, that's what it is. The pilot's wife was completely uninteresting and one-dimensional... kinda like the black Ensign from Enterprise. The prostitute was the only somewhat interesting character.

Was the Space Western theme done well? In my opinion, no. Cross-genre stuff can be great if you take the cool stuff from each genre and blend it into something unique. Firefly didn't really do that. In space it was pretty much vanilla SciFi and on ground it turned into a Western craptacle and there was hardly any cross-genre stuff going on. That really, really hurt believeability. I just wasn't able to wrap my mind around the notion that people arrive on frontier planets with space ships and with all the amazing tech being available they'd convert back to a early 19th century lifestyle, including fashion, architecture, rapier duels and horse wagons.

The Western element felt completely fake, so did the Asian element. Things just didn't blend very well. If you do cross-genre stuff you have to be really careful and make sure that the various elements from the genres you're crossing don't feel tacked on but stringent within the fictional universe. In that regard, Firefly didn't work for me at all and I usually love cross-genre stuff like Steampunk or Space Gothic and shit like that.

Maybe Firefly had some well-written, entertaining dialogue? Nope, all we got was more endless witty banter like in Buffy and Angel, albeit a slightly more mature version of it. The typical Whedon style.

Maybe FF had awesome special effects or just very well done visuals? It wasn't bad but it was nothing special either.

Maybe the story was deep and captivating? Ok, there was the River plot line which was reasonably interesting. Other than that it was "meh". The backstory was just lame as hell (post Civil War Reconstruction era thing with the evil Alliance... hi2u "Birth of a Nation").

Worst of all, everything felt like I had seen it before in some form. It felt like Whedon just ripped random elements from stuff that has already been done and mashed it together into something new. Exotic? Yes, but it didn't feel particularly creative, innovative or even fresh.

FF wasn't a horrible show. I found it rather entertaining despite the fact that I could barely stomach how Whedon messed up the basic Space Western premise. IMO, he did a shit job at it. I certainly wouldn't have minded if FF had had a multi-season run. I might have even watched it. My point is that this show is just _vastly_ overrated, especially by the small crowd of rabid fans who pretend like FF was one of the greatest shows to ever grace our TV screens. It just wasn't that good.

The latest BSG was very good, BTW. The show's never dipped in quality, but it'd been going slowly without many truly memorable eps. I suspect the season finale will deliver in a similar fashion.
Someone said he expects epic space battles. If that's the common expectation people will inevitably end up disappointed with BSG. It should be clear that a story about a ragtag fleet carrying the last survivors of humankind escorted by a half-broken battleship has to be mostly about running away and avoiding direct confrontation - and not about epic space battles.
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You're starting to sound like an apologist.....we have had great space battles with the existing fleet in previous seasons, so there's no reason to not expect that again. Infact that was a main draw to a lot of the audience. Turning it into a soap opera is what people like me are complaining about.

As I predicted the season finale will be big as will the beginning of the next season but then they'll slowly slide back into sub plots and fillers which you might be jumping for joy over. Just that, the rest of us are not.

Also, if Epic space battle aren't a big deal then why is the season finale being setup for one?
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The man behind "Battlestar Galactica"

Meh, a few interesting points are made and we get some info on the crumbs that will be tossed during the long hiatus between seasons.
We won't be seeing Season 4 until January 2008, but I understand there's going to be some kind of miniseries or movie coming before then?

There is something that they're calling "extra episodes" or "extended episodes" -- they keep shifting the nomenclature. Essentially, we are shooting two hours of "Galactica" that will be broadcast on SciFi Channel sometime in the fall. Let's say they broadcast it on a Friday; then, on the following Monday, it will be available on DVD.

That story will not pick up our cliffhanger at the end of Season 3. That didn't seem right. The story will be set on the Battleship Pegasus and will take place in the past, relative to where we are in Season 3. But the events set up in that story will then pay off in Season 4.

What was the reasoning behind doing that?

They came to us. It gives Home Video something to sell in the stores. Since we won't be back until January, which is a long time to be off the air, it gives the fans something to see and keeps the show alive. So it serves multiple masters. There was no way we could pick up the cliffhanger in that format, and then ask people to wait to really start the season later. One of the story lines everyone had really liked was the Pegasus story and the character of Admiral Cain, so we decided to go with that.

Oh my yes, more Michelle Forbes please. :D
Tonights? Was it the season finale yet?

Yes. It's the last episode until 2008. There will be a BSG movie (two episode equiv) shown sometime in the Fall. It will cover some past events around the time-frame The Pegasus was still around.
i am a blubbering fanboy right now. so much so that I can't even type.

fucking hell, that was amazing.
And the pegasus movie will have story threads into season 4 so its not too bad but man its a long wait... Not sure what such a hiatus will do for ratings. You can do it with something massively popular like The Sopranos but BSG?
i am a blubbering fanboy right now. so much so that I can't even type.

fucking hell, that was amazing.

2 highlights for me being the testimony by Appollo and the ending sequence. Top notch. This one rates up there with the best eps so far in the series.
And the pegasus movie will have story threads into season 4 so its not too bad but man its a long wait... Not sure what such a hiatus will do for ratings. You can do it with something massively popular like The Sopranos but BSG?

Didnt the sopranos totally die out after they had that 2 year break or something? Nobody cared when it came back. All i heard was how disgusting the cast looked (Gandolfini packed on a hefty gut) and how boring the episodes were. I will admit im not much for tv but i dont think any series does well after extended breaks. It lets people realize they dont care by the time it comes back and they ultimetly move onto something else.
I HATED IT. I turned to the wife and said "They went over the shark tank with full throttle right there!"
I HATED IT. I turned to the wife and said "They went over the shark tank with full throttle right there!"

Ok, that one got me interested....I'll watch the last 3-4 I haven't seen yet. :LOL:
Awww... you got me all curious now...

EDIT: hahaha! Oh what a *BIG* surprise!
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