Brothers in arms 3 and Project Assassins Confirmed for Xbox 360

It was confirmed a few weeks ago BIA will be using UE3.

While UE3 is nice from an artistic standpoint and supports a lot of shaders, not to mention it appears more advanced than some of these smaller companies could do on their own, it is kind of scary that soooo many are using it.

Hopefully a lot of companies are using UE3 for their first title while co-developing a 2nd title with their own engine.
Acert93 said:
While UE3 is nice from an artistic standpoint and supports a lot of shaders, not to mention it appears more advanced than some of these smaller companies could do on their own, it is kind of scary that soooo many are using it.

Hopefully a lot of companies are using UE3 for their first title while co-developing a 2nd title with their own engine.

We can only hope.
scatteh316 said:
I just think Project Offset.
you're right .Project offset is more advanced shader/lighting wise (unified shader approch)
UE3 is a pain,you have to write the same shader to work in different lighting conditions).as i never stop to say ,UE3 is above all :Toolset and production pipeline.
The problem with UE3 is that it doesn't seem to be designed for destructible environments.

Like Gears of War for example; in the trailers when a rocket hits a building or a grenade goes off there's no destruction at all. I think it was Cliffy B who commented about that, saying that fully destructible environments weren't in the cards for UE3. Kind of a disappointment.

I don't know how easy something like that would be to introduce by someone using the engine, or if it's even feasible.
_phil_ said:

Isn't the tech page just sayong that it uses a unified lighting engine? Thats what Doom 3 already uses and im pretty sure UE3 uses a unified lighting approach.

EDIT: Also the engine is targetted at PC's and the PS3 aswell, so being optimised for unified shaders wouldn't make sense.
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Unified lighting and shading.
With other engines, often multiple versions of the same shader must be created for the shader to work under different lighting conditions. The Offset Engine, on the other hand, automatically generates all the necessary permutations for the shader to work in any lighting environment.
I've been told some uncool things about lighting and shaders in unrealtech.(Still waiting for the 90 day evaluation software - probably NDA-ed)

edit :i don't use 'unified shader' in it's hardware terminology here ,i'm talking about software shader building relatively to lighting systems.
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The problem with a unified shader engine is that you may give up too much control. As great as unified systems are, games are still very much in the hands of the artists. Hand tweaking lights and how an effect reacts in different environments is important.

Take an ember of coal. In the sun you probably would not see the red. But if you stick it in a dark room not only can you see the red core through the cracks but you will also get a glow and some heat haze.

It is hard to imagine getting a unified system to understand the individual properties of thousands upon thousands of different items (things rarely react the same way to heat, tension, pressure, light, etc). So you are either looking at a really advanced properties system, very complex shaders with a lot of "if - then" type design, or you can just have an artist tweak the shaders for the different environments.

The last will give you the most control, give you the exact look you desire, and could be more effecient on the hardware.

I love the idea of unified lighting and the like, but even Doom 3 found "exceptions" where that approach did not give the best result. Giving artists control may be more time consuming in some ways, but it also ensures you get the exact result you want.
This is the countrary.We now have a unidied shading approach.Basically ,the artist do whatever please him in maya shading network (proprietary nodes ).
Artists don't have to woorry with pure shader tech.The shader have statistical feedback (perfs ,instruction lengh ,...).