Curious. Because according to the most accurate website in 5 out of every 8 universes (wikipedia) Bioshock isn't a full UE3 title either, only using 'Unreal Core System, file system framework and UnrealEd Toolsets' from UE3. Otherwise it's a heavily modified version of the engine they used in tribes:vengeance (which was already a heavily modified unreal 2). Although screenshots in the last few months have certainly taken on a UE3 bloomy look to them.
Meanwhile the likes of gamebryo come along and gobble everyone else up, being ~1/10th the price for full titles an bugger all (~few $k) for smaller titles. E.g. oblivion etc
Curious. Because according to the most accurate website in 5 out of every 8 universes (wikipedia) Bioshock isn't a full UE3 title either, only using 'Unreal Core System, file system framework and UnrealEd Toolsets' from UE3. Otherwise it's a heavily modified version of the engine they used in tribes:vengeance (which was already a heavily modified unreal 2). Although screenshots in the last few months have certainly taken on a UE3 bloomy look to them.
Meanwhile the likes of gamebryo come along and gobble everyone else up, being ~1/10th the price for full titles an bugger all (~few $k) for smaller titles. E.g. oblivion etc