Breaking: Silicon Knights Files Lawsuit Against Epic

Look's like SK lost the case against EPIC

Guess we wil never se Too Human 2 now :cry: I really enjoyed the first one, even with al it's shortcoming. Espetali liked the setting/univers the had set up.. Oh vell, Guess I will need to bot up the first game again soon... balder need's to kick som ass :cool:

Ps. Sorry for digging up such an old thread...

Well, they could sell the IP, they might need some money soon...
Oh good, I'm sure their investors are thrilled that they spent all this time and money on that lawsuit instead of making games.
They're appealing. No idea what money they'll use to fight more courtroom battles, they've released a whole two games in the last 10+ years, and the last one was...well, years ago.

Lawyering FTL.