B3D News Item: Challenge: Find Differences between Crysis 2 Console SKUs

Direct feed for B3D :)


The PS3 version has way better Anisotropic Filtering -AF-. Look at the Zebra crossing in the 2nd image.
The PS3 version has way better Anisotropic Filtering -AF-. Look at the Zebra crossing in the 2nd image.

There is something strange about the zebra crossing in the 360 pic as the line before the zebra crossing, and pretty much every other thing around that area looks properly filtered and as good as the PS3 version yet the zebra crossing looks unfiltered.
Technically a 4th preset exists in the beta cvar config wise and shader wise. Several shaders do a preset check for "very high" for improved quality and/or added effects. Some of them though could be "unlocked" by editing main shader libarary preset reading to make everything trigger at "high". Some things might have worked unless stored shader cache prevented it. Dunno though if Crytek will expose it in menu.

"Yes... They changed all 3 settings. It's now good, very good and extreme. It's not a new setting."


Found this pic on another forum. You can really see how muddy it looks on the ps3, just gives me a headache:mad:. Its just bad. Gives the effect as if you're always focusing your line of sight on the gun as the rest of the screen looses focus. Don't want to be negative, but there's a reason why we didn't see any ps3 footage, ps3 demo being a disaster, and having it pulled out in two days ,or so, after release.:cry:

Found this pic on another forum. You can really see how muddy it looks on the ps3, just gives me a headache:mad:. Its just bad. Gives the effect as if you're always focusing your line of sight on the gun as the rest of the screen looses focus. Don't want to be negative, but there's a reason why we didn't see any ps3 footage, ps3 demo being a disaster, and having it pulled out in two days ,or so, after release.:cry:

Doesn't look that muddy to me. Maybe try looking at some of the new PS3 footage that's just been posted instead of glaring at this one image.
It's now good, very good and extreme.
excellant. But they should go the whole hog like pizza hut here in NZ, you can buy their pizzas now in two sizes,
Large & Big. This is no joke :)
Of course noone knows which actually has the larger diameter.
With the next version the quality settings will be
Superb,brilliant & excellant. Cause that way everyyones a winner babe

Found this pic on another forum. You can really see how muddy it looks on the ps3, just gives me a headache:mad:. Its just bad. Gives the effect as if you're always focusing your line of sight on the gun as the rest of the screen looses focus. Don't want to be negative, but there's a reason why we didn't see any ps3 footage, ps3 demo being a disaster, and having it pulled out in two days ,or so, after release.:cry:

Is noty a fair comparison: the PS3 character is not so close to the wall and he's walking (you can known that He's walking due the crosshair is in expansion). Walking & moving means TAA active, TAA active = blur. As long as the 360 character does the same will turn the screen in blurry mesh. Crytek would be enable an option in the game to disable both the TAA and the motion blur, both hurts badly the IQ, IMO.
Amm...both are from gameplay.And no way it is as bad as MP,it looks much nicer in IQ department.Much of that owns to better texture filtrating and better textures but I think Edge AA in SP is also of higher quality.

Been playing now 360 version for quite some time.Game looks very clean,wouldn't guessed it was 720p if I didn't know.
Is noty a fair comparison: the PS3 character is not so close to the wall and he's walking (you can known that He's walking due the crosshair is in expansion). Walking & moving means TAA active, TAA active = blur. As long as the 360 character does the same will turn the screen in blurry mesh. Crytek would be enable an option in the game to disable both the TAA and the motion blur, both hurts badly the IQ, IMO.

I don't think depend only of that... there are an another screen of the introduction & ps3 continue to be muddy in the fine details...
Is noty a fair comparison: the PS3 character is not so close to the wall and he's walking (you can known that He's walking due the crosshair is in expansion). Walking & moving means TAA active, TAA active = blur. As long as the 360 character does the same will turn the screen in blurry mesh. Crytek would be enable an option in the game to disable both the TAA and the motion blur, both hurts badly the IQ, IMO.

The crosshair looks like that when you are standing still, it expands more when you start moving.
Amm...both are from gameplay.And no way it is as bad as MP,it looks much nicer in IQ department.Much of that owns to better texture filtrating and better textures but I think Edge AA in SP is also of higher quality.

Been playing now 360 version for quite some time.Game looks very clean,wouldn't guessed it was 720p if I didn't know.

I mean from screens with gun where you play. I dunno looks exactly the same to me,which is why I asked for some MP to compare.
I have been paying lots of attention to IQ of the game and honestly its as clean as console game can be.Lot of people expecting it to be blurry/jaggie mess will be surprised.
Very very good IQ.AF works wonders as well in SP...Although its variable dunno whats the deal with that but it works really well as well as their AA.
New 360 shoot,direct feed.
And thats not clean to you?:smile: Thats Edge AA,post process AA.Its cheap and those jaggies are nothing to make fuss about.Thats direct feed shot,something that console outputs on your TV and not only does it look clean enough here,playing it from your sofa will make it even cleaner.
And thats not clean to you?:smile: Thats Edge AA,post process AA.Its cheap and those jaggies are nothing to make fuss about.Thats direct feed shot,something that console outputs on your TV and not only does it look clean enough here,playing it from your sofa will make it even cleaner.
No,its not. And certainly is not as clean as can be when also is sub hd,that is below average IQ.
No,its not. And certainly is not as clean as can be when also is sub hd,that is below average.
Average is certainly lower if you look at how many games on these consoles are below 720p with absolutely no AA.
I'm quite surprised that you find those couple shots bad,they are certainly not jagged any more than other high profile games on consoles bar GOW III.