Are you going to get GTA4?

Are you going to get GTA4?

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i search somebody for measure (with stats of the game) this ride (in red) in the US version of the game to verify if french version stats are in kilometer or mile (it's indicate in mile but i think it's kilometer)

KM would certainly make the scale more realistic. If those arrow things on the right hand side are runways then they are almost twice as long as the runways in SA, suggesting that the scale is off. KM vs Miles would resolve that.
Gosh, just goes to show...something. PS3 sales are surprisingly close to XB360 sales, and even edge out H3 sales! Dunno what to make of that though. I guess many PS3 buyers were buying hardware in anticipation of a sequel to their previous PS2 title.

Don't make anything out of it, as reports say the whole UK shipment is sold out on both platforms. 55:45 sales only mean that Rockstar supplied 55:45.
I haven't read the thread for fear of spoilers, but I just got home from Singapore with a 360 PAL version, and it works in Australia. I'd read online that there was special region coding for the game that meant the game wouldn't play on Australian machines after the local version was censored. If anyone was thinking about ordering a Euro version, I wouldn't hesitate. And to boot it cost me ~$AUD55! Woot.

I didn't realise Singapore was PAL, but i picked it up from Tangs. Cheers
Yes I went and drank the kool-aid.. PS3 version on release day. It's pretty good so far.

Just finished the game today (yes I am slow) and it's been quite a ride :). Still a quality series after all that time as far as I'm concerned!

Now I'm seeing San Andreas on Steam, which I never really got started on properly, and I'm wondering if I should get it. Is it still cool or will it look really primitive compared to Liberty City?
I'm still only at 35% and still loving every minute of it.. I like to boot it up just to roam around the city and play in between missions
I wish Rockstar would have let use create a new game while keeping all the stunt jumps and pigeons we collected not to mention multiplayer cash and bonuses.

I want to play through the game again, but I don't want to feel like I wasted my time hunting all those hidden bonuses. If it was like MGS4 as let me basically keep the same save game regarless of how many times I played through it I probably would have gone through it like 3 times now. For me, just driving around the world isn't as fun as the doing the actual missions.
Just finished the game today (yes I am slow) and it's been quite a ride :). Still a quality series after all that time as far as I'm concerned!

Now I'm seeing San Andreas on Steam, which I never really got started on properly, and I'm wondering if I should get it. Is it still cool or will it look really primitive compared to Liberty City?

Actually in some aspects I think San Andreas is a lot less primitive even ... especially in terms of gameplay there are some nice things in San Andreas that didn't make it to GTAIV.

Personally, I haven't gotten into GTA IV very far yet. Got bored amazingly quick and got sort-of stuck in that nothing seems to happen towards moving the story along, and then there were so many nice games that did manage to draw me in aftwards ... I may give it a go sometime later again.
I just finished GTA IV this weekend too. It is nice to know a few others out there also like messing around in the city and don't whiz through the missions. But I am disappointed that there seems to be less stuff to find and do while exploring. The previous games rewarded you for finding hidden packages by leaving weapons and armor outside your safe house. I miss that! Killing the pigeons doesn't seem to have any benefit.

There were a couple things I was hoping to see in the "next-gen" GTA that didn't make it. I would like the missions to be more open and less scripted. Possibly with the ability to have multiple missions going at the same time similar to Oblivion. Maybe this would change the game play more than the devs would like, but I think the greater freedom would be more fun.

I would also like to see a more persistent world. If I have to leave my car somewhere to finish a mission I should be able to go back and get it when done. I know they can't track every car you have ever parked but there is a lot of room for improvement here. And on a side note, it would be fun to install a tracking device so if your car is stolen you could track it down again.

The controls could be tightened up too. I was on the roof of a building with a little ridge around the outside. I couldn't get back to the fire escape to get down. Niko wouldn't step up on the ridge and of course the jump/climb button caused him to full jump off the side to my sad death below. Niko should be smarter.

Overall it is still a really fun game and I'm enjoying finding the rest of the jumps and doing the side missions I didn't complete.
My take on gtaiv was that it's the same as old grand theft autos but with nicer graphics. I have played through the previous three gta's on ps2. I just didn't feel anything next gen on missions or playability. The character acted to commands rather sluggishly and and the autoaim was so bad at times I got killed because nico turned his back to enemies and not enough time then to turn and aim manually. I have maybe 5 missions left before I have gone through main plot(~60% mark now, not done any extras except the girl friends). I would give solid 8+ because it's too much of the old same that has been seen many times in previous grand theft autos. If I hadn't played previous games to death I would give 9-.

On graphics front as enduser I deem gtaiv pretty mediocre, there are parts that look absolutely stunning(flying in the morning with helicopter) and parts that look totally crap(cruising around in night). Very mixed back. Part why the graphics suck(yes) is that I have 50" tv and 2.5m distance from it. It just looks like a bloody blurry mess most of the time(ps3 version I have). Also it's quite often pretty hard to see what there is ahead because of blur and too small indicators. For example when chasing a car the red triangle indicating target over car is way too small to be noticably easily even on relatively big screen and short viewing distance.

I liked the game but it's not the 10 that most of the reviews give it. It's more of the same with prettier package and truthfully, playing the same stuff over and over again is getting boring. I won't be buying next grand theft autos any time soon should they arrive to market. I prefer quality over quantity and as such the quantity of mediocre content in gtaiv doesn't warrant the perfect score(i.e. most minigames are not even worth the first try).
I think people are overlooking some of the major improvments GTA got due to hype backlash. To the people saying it's just the same as the old GTAs, let me just reiterate the major game play changes that are totally new to the game.

* GPS system. This is a major improvment over the previous games. Takes the frustration out of navigating the world.

* Taxi system for fast travel. No more are you forced to drive to a mission if you don't feel like it. Just grab a taxi and tell the guy where to go.

* New aiming system and cover system. Regarless of anyones feeling about good it actually was, it was a huge improvement of the last games.

* The new in car aiming system, also vastly improved. It opens up the possibilites a lot more.

* You can now get shot inside of vehicles. In all previous GTA games once you were in a vehicle you were invincible untill the vehicle was destroyed. Taking this hole away makes escaping a fire fight even more intense.

* The system for losing your wanted level. Vastly better the the previous games. You feel like you need to leave the crime scene as soon as possible. In previous games with just 1 star you often did not need to run at all.

* Having a cell phone as the main interface for the game. Being able to call up friends or an ambulance when you needed to be patched up at anytime was great.

* Comedy and cabert shows you can see live. Not to mention strip clubs. These are all new to the GTA franchise.

* Internet cafes. Getting to read the headlines in the newspaper a the following day after you've done a big mission and getting to read about it in the papers. Or going on a date with a chick and then reading her blog posts about it later.

* Some of the entertainment venues are new. Bowling and Darts. Also getting drunk in a bar is new. Although VC and SA did have missions were you were high.

* Multiplayer! And a quite comprehensive MP mode at that. Not just something half ass.

I've played every GTA game including the PSP ones. I do have fond memories of the old ones and I know there were stuff in the old games that did not make it into the new games. But still, overall, GTA4 is my favorite of them all.
I've played every GTA game including the PSP ones. I do have fond memories of the old ones and I know there were stuff in the old games that did not make it into the new games. But still, overall, GTA4 is my favorite of them all.

Fundamentally it's so much of the same old in the missions that I got totally bored. It's still the same thing, you chase a car, shoot the guy and that's it.

There are improvements but most stuff is something that other games do already SO much better. Even the uncharted cover system worked better than in gta, also sneaking and shooting is mediocre at best when playability is concerned. And don't get me started on how much the bare hands fighting system sucks. I found the GPS to be excellent addition though, taxi so too. But in the end the real solution should have been save anywhere(NO NEED FOR GODDAMN TAXIS) or at least replay points in between missions not from the beginning. The whole bonding thing and going to strip clubs was an effort to make the game longer, I would rather not have done any of that stuff unless it's mission specific thing and something interesting happens. And did I say I found the minigames awfull, the pool? Why would anyone want to play such an boring representation of pool.

What I would have expected from next gen gtaiv would have been missions that actually are more varied and add to the game series rather than repeat the missions from earlier ones. Use the next gen power, make the guy able to parkour for example up the buildings, make more building accessible, make the shoot&cover&sneak system work at least half as good as mgs4 and so on. Maybe add a smash the buttons in right order as in heavenly sword/gow to create super moves in certain missions to get some nextgen graphics+animations embedded to missions. For example the
bank robbery
mission could have had several of those super move possibilites. If the super move fails then it's back to ground&pound and maybe a replay later on to see what it would have been. Maybe add environments that can be partially destroyed to make traversing buildings more interesting.

For me it's mediocre game with huge amount of mediocre content. I don't game that much, I can choose and play only excellent games rather than use precious time to go through huge amount of mediocre stuff. If I hadn't already played the previous grand theft autos I would say the game would have been much more interesting, now it just felt just more the same. If it hadn' been my summer holiday I would probably not have played this game past 20%, now I had some excess time to waste.

Also the cutscenes were not interactive a bit. For example I hade perseus suite on and I was told to go and buy a suite in a mission briefing :D

final edit. They could have given us replay option to replay insane stunts and save them as youtube videos(with choosable camera placements and effects). That would have gotten me excited to make the most obscene crashes. This would have been nice next gen communitu feature.
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Fundamentally it's so much of the same old in the missions that I got totally bored. It's still the same thing, you chase a car, shoot the guy and that's it.

I agree, I've never finished and probably won't. Not with the constant stream of other good titles coming out. My gaming time is too limited. By the time I finish Bioshock, I'll probably be playing Madden.. and then Fable 2 and then Left 4 Dead (or in reverse order, whatever).

For me, the story completely falls apart mid-way through the game. I really don't want to kill people? But I've got hundreds of thousands of dollars and I'm still killing people for 2 grand? ehh... sorry.

Also the cutscenes were not interactive a bit. For example I hade perseus suite on and I was told to go and buy a suite in a mission briefing :D

That bit irritated me too, although I guess I didn't have the 'correct' suit on. But I always already wearing a suit when they told me to come back wearing a suit.