What make you think that ? the 1265 slider seems set at half the way... Theres a good margin for up it.
I don't think he realized that the top area are actually vertical sliders.
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What make you think that ? the 1265 slider seems set at half the way... Theres a good margin for up it.
I don't think he realized that the top area are actually vertical sliders.
Ah.. I realized that they were vertical sliders, but I was interpreting the controls as a graph, with fixed frequencies on the X axis and vertical sliders to set voltages for those frequencies on the Y axis. Using vertical sliders to set horizontal X coordinates is a GUI design fail, but a harmless one. Thanks for making me look at the design again.What make you think that ? the 1265 slider seems set at half the way... Theres a good margin for up it. ( even i doubt the max is set at 2500mhz ( i mean it could be 1600-1500 or 1800 who know )
Ah.. I realized that they were vertical sliders, but I was interpreting the controls as a graph, with fixed frequencies on the X axis and vertical sliders to set voltages for those frequencies on the Y axis. Using vertical sliders to set horizontal X coordinates is a GUI design fail, but a harmless one. Thanks for making me look at the design again.
That's a 15% increase... for something something V^2 power.Not bad for a small increase in voltage.
Talking about HPC from an FP64/double precision operation perspective, what will be AMD's strategy?It could be an HPC feature or possibly useful in a professional context...
It would AFAIR be unprecedented if AMD allowed voltage adjustment from their own control panel. Then again, it's not like they don't know the limitations of the chip, so why not give a little margin to play around with.
Tahiti had 1:2 DP, but Hawaii did not IIRC. Actually, hasn't Tahiti been the only 1:2 DP GPU AMD ever made?
Talking about HPC from an FP64/double precision operation perspective, what will be AMD's strategy?
I assume their priority would be to compete in Deep Learning/Training/data processing/analytics by using 'Big Vega' also in the Pro range; but will they improve the S9170 with the 14nm node and architecture improvements or concede that market (requiring double precision operations) in the longer term.
From price/FP64 performance the Nvidia PCIe P100 works out cheaper and with better performance, saving grace for the S9170 is that the PCIe P100 card has a Q4 general availability.
The HPC APU slide gives a Greenland GPU with >4 TFLOPs, and half-rate double precision. It sounds like Fiji without hobbled double precision, and probably would be smaller due to the node an having only 2 stacks of HBM2.
There are elements to the current GCN ISA that allow for some of the handling of the different precisions used by deep learning, but I haven't seen much of AMD targeting it.
There are inefficiencies to multiple sites, but it's hard to find enough talent in one location so better talent trumps inefficiency much of the time. NV's main campus in California is larger than any single AMD RTG site, but they still have design offices all over the world including many of the same locations as AMD. Shanghai, Austin, Boston, etc.Ah, alright. Could there be any efficiency downsides to spreading out work across multiple teams in multiple locations, as compared to NV, which I presume, are having all their engineers assembled in one place?