14 SIMDs... (look at feature 1 and 6 and compare it to HD 5870)
No it's not.It has 14 SIMDs
Indeed it is, someone here already calculated it could have up to 24-26 SIMDs in that space (including the TUs of course)
Is it possible to open a Cypress chip and make a picture?
If yes I am sure NV already did that. How come there are none on the internet?
It's called a micrograph (I think? I'm sure someone corrected me on that one while back), and one reason why there isn't such might be just the fact that there are those "hidden units" and we'll get micrographs once perhaps HD5890 with "everything enabled" is out?
So, it's a Cypress axed straight in half!
Hm, is it me, or there is no "dual" rasterizers and HiZ blocks?