Maybe someone could run Borderlands PC version at 2560x1440, take a screenshot and bicubic resize to 720p show us how it would be with 4xSSAA, or would that be considered 2x supersampling?The AA won't be as noticeable due to the low-key nature of the original MSAA version. The point of reference is the eyes. HDR has resulted in the euqivalebt of no AA on ultra-high contrast edges, a problem repeated in the demo of GOW3. MLAA renders these edges with AA about as good as we can get. Extrapolate that to the whole image, and the IQ improvement is pretty staggering IMO. Takes something bright and colourful like Banjo Threeie, or the outline rendering of Fat Princess. Elliminating the jaggies is a significant step. The first cel-shaded title to use MLAA will look damned near enough to 'real' to convince most viewers that it's a cartoon instead of a computer game.