Really.Lol, really?
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Really.Lol, really?
When I was a kid, I can remember there were certain games that every kid wanted to play. For the NES, it was Super Mario 3. For SNES, it was Mario World. For N64 it was Goldeneye. For Playstation it was Tekken. For Genesis it was Sonic. For Xbox it was obviously Halo, and 360 Gears and Halo 3. I have no idea what the big title was on the PS2 at launch, but I didn't follow consoles at all at that point.
I think it's possible that Sony hasn't focused hard enough on developing a top FPS, because of their Japanese management. Certainly they know it's important, they gave it a very top notch try with Killzone 2, which for whatever reason didn't catch fire. But their tries beyond that, I guess Resistance, Resistance 2, MAG, can be faulted for lacking ambition imo.
As I've mentioned before in other similar threads, the notion of 'killer app' is often skewed by a few very freak cases. LBP was a killer app in that it sold PS3s. It may not have sold many millions, but it was reason to get a PS3 instead of an XB360. History shows most consoles from the past few generations haven't been bought for one particular title. Halo/Gears and Mario are exceptions. Most PS2 owners didn't buy GT3 nor GOW nor GTA. It's the range of titles that sells a platform, the entire value proposition of the exclusives. PS3 is unlikely to be sold en masse on the strength of KZ2 alone or LBP alone or GT5 alone or GoW3 alone. But it is going to see sales because of people wanting to play several exclusives. Similarly if all XB360 had was it's killer applications of Gears and Halo, it'd have stopped selling by now. Obviously some titles are going to up the entire value proposition considerable for certain niche markets, but it's still part of the whole package deal.
I think Halo fans bought the 360 en masse. I doubt there are that many new converts among the 360 crowd - those that are new converts tend to come for different games, multiplatform games in combination with price. Halo players are gamers that love to go online, and gladly pay a live gold subscription because especially early on it offered them stuff much unlike anything else, and many were already aware of the benefits of Live through the original Xbox.
I argue that you have it backwards. The PS2 hardware appealed to a wide audience which enabled the PS2's diverse software library.
Here's what I could find for 1st/second party *retail* efforts so far this gen for Sony and MS and their genre (let me know if I forgot something)
Resistance 1 & 2, Killzone 2 - FPS(3)
Warhawk - Multiplayer-only, "Battlefield"-style shooter
Uncharted - TPS with 3D platforming
inFamous - Open World Action
Motorstorm 1 & 2 - Arcade Racer(2)
GT5P & F1CE - Sim Racer(2)
Ratchet & Clank - Platformer
LBP - Platformer?/User-Created Content Platform
HS, Genji - Action
Folklore - Action RPG
Singstar (5 iterations) - Music (5)
Hot Shots Golf - Arcade Sports
MLB: The Show and NBA (3 iterations each) - Sports(6)
Buzz - Trivia
Lair - Dragon Combat Simulator(?)
Eye Of Judgment - Card/Camera game
Halo 3, PDZ - FPS (2)
Shadowrun - Muliplayer-only shooter
GeOW 1 & 2 - TPS (2)
Forza 2 - Sim Racer
PGR 3 & 4 - Arcade Racer (2)
Fabe II, Mass Effect - WRPG (2)
Crackdown - Open-world Action
Viva Pinata 1 & 2 - Gardening Simulator(?)(2)
Halo Wars - RTS
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon - JRPG (2)
Too Human - Action RPG
Kameo - Action
Banjo Kazooie : N&B - Platformer/Vehicle Creation
Scene It? (2 iterations - Quiz (2)
Lips - Music
You're In The Movies - Camera
Viva Pinata: party animals - Minigame Collection
Looks pretty comparable to me in terms of diversity.
The only one's I can think of to add to the list are: Untold legend, R&C Quest for Booty, White Knight Chronicles, and Wipeout. But your right, there isn't as much difference in diversity as I thought there was.
It does show that Sony has released more games (35), then Microsoft (24), with the Xbox 360 being a year longer on the market. Perhaps between Sony's own games and 3rd party games, gamers have too much to choose from as far as good games go. I mean who's going to buy all, or even most, games Sony releases during a holiday season.
Shouldn't we also count DD titles from PSN and XBLA that Sony & Microsoft published?
Tommy McClain
Sony just lacks marketing skills of MS.
I disagree with that LBP has had a fair bit of exposure outside of the internet. The main drawback for LBP is it isn't the game it was going to be. Had the final product been as described during it's development, with constructing constituting a part of gameplay, it would have done much better. As it is, it is, sadly, a difficult platformer with a level editor. The editor is way cool and attracts a lot of attntion, and MM deserve makor kudos, but it sadly could have been so much moreLBP(could have been THE TITLE had everyone outside the internet known about it ! No one does !).
Right. Okay. In that case, PS3's killer apps were Resistance and Heavenly Sword etc. No title was enough to justify the huge asking price to multiple millions of shoppers though. Halo was. Gears was. But I don't think anyone can predict those things up front. I suppose if they could, every console would launch with a stellar line-up and sell 10 million units overnightdobwal said:Most owners of any console don't own the killer app of their consoles. Killer apps are movers of consoles during initial release but their greatest impact is acting as catalysts to future sales.
TheChefO said:Sony needs to develop some characters that will inspire.