How does that affect the choice whether to sell PS5 at a loss? Is that a $449 PS5 with a $449 BOM, or a $449 BOM with a $549 BOM, the latter meaning a machine that better differentiates itself from 4Pro and gives PS fans a better reason to buy PS5 instead of ignoring it?
My view is sony will keep ps4 around and that is the mass market device. Ps5 looks like it's expensive and is not going to replace ps4 at 249 or even 199$ any time soon. We will likely see ps4 breaking records ps2 set assuming sony can make a true cheap and slim ps4 version. If sony can't price reduce ps4 to less than 200$ does that mean ps5 will also have tough time getting cheaper?
Other angle for price reduction is that consoles used to have exotic one off hw. This would affect engineering costs, yields... There was plenty to optimize and amortize after release. Now that consoles piggy back on amd pc hw the yields and r&d cost should be much better controlled and spread around than during ps1/ps2/ps3 time.