All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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I'm sorry but can someone please give this east of eastside poster a vacation? His/her attempts at trolling are getting tiresome.

So MS sold the most consoles in November. Well congrats go to them because that's a huge month to win. Looks like the price cut and bundles did the trick. If they don't revert the price after the holiday season then they should do well in 2015.

If Sony managed to sell 7-10 k less than the competition then that is an amazing feat and does show how strong PS4 is as a platform. The thing is a juggernaut if that's true.
Source: GAF


I don't think the One outselling all other consoles in NA is very surprising, nor is the UK from the latest reports in this thread.

What is surprising is that more people logged into Live during November 2014 than at any other time in history. That is a big wow. There's an implication there that MS's total ecosystem has increased its user base. Of course, 360 software and hardware sales still demonstrate that console is rather strong.

I would say MS has to be pretty pleased with their overall position at this point, although you wonder how much cash (or any?) they had to burn through to buy this marketshare.

As far as the PSN card sales discussion goes: does it matter? Does it matter in terms of whatever discussion we are having whether those cards are redeemed for digital games or for purchasing movies or whatever other commodity you can buy using them? MS certainly doesn't care if they make their money selling games or selling & renting movies/music. I would doubt that Sony does either.

I know Goodwin posed the question that was sort of: "Why does it seem like everybody loves the PS4 hardware but then not the software?", but the PS4 is an entertainment device, and whether all those cards are being redeemed to purchase games digitally or are used to purchase something else, it still means that Sony has amazing hardware sales and the sales of the PSN cards mean that people are purchasing a ton of "ability" to use that hardware.
PS4 must have won BF by some big margin. Suprising. Also shows Amazon is only few percent of the market

Yeah this wasnt good with the deals Xbox had for the whole month and BF
I haven't seen mention of game prices. My expectation is that both machine will be price very similarly as they are run under the same umbrella group that is going to be facing piracy and imports on both console.
The distributer isn't likely to be able to say in how the platform holders business model operates. For instance, one vendor may decide to be operating on the traditional console model (low margin on the hardware, recoup through software sale licenses) while another may choose a different model for that particular region (higher margin hardware, recoup online subscription fees and eschew some or all of the software licensing fees). To actively have lower prices on the software for the region you have to work with all the publishers, or you can simply remove your own fee.

I think its a bit early to be saying its all done and dusted bar when we've not got all the information. Having cheaper software in a region than doesn't appear to have a big history with happily paying full price for games is probably a sensible idea. It seems to be telling that Sony appear not to have discussed any game pricing - if they were doing similar pricing as MS why wouldn't they announce that now? Conversely only highlighting one pricing advantage prior to release is certainly a way to generate headlines about the platform being cheaper.
Seems like Xbone (both consoles too) probably sold 900k-1m this month. That's quite a huge number, even if apparently over time console holiday sales are shifting more into November.

Xbox One I think highest 2nd November sales of a console ever (since it nudged out PS4).

But yeah it's funny how expectations skew things. Just like if I'm super hyped for a movie, and the movie is good but not great, it's a let down. Whereas if I'm not hyped for the movie, and it's good, well it seems a lot better than the first case.

So basically everybody thinking Xbox was gonna win by 200-400k, turns into apparent florida chad win,=bad.

But the sales are very high, so I dont think it's bad. Expectations...

But yeah PS4 is very strong and it must be a little jarring to MS. As always, I think the power issue is just huge, and will just be very hard to overcome.

It's not like PS4 did nothing to goose sales though like people are acting, they did have a two free games bundle, GTAV/Last of Us.

If it matters the gap in December in Amazon is greater in favor of X1 than Novembers was.

Amazon stays true, but barely (then again lots of people said there was no way to parse a winner between Xb at #3 and PS4 at #17 and 20, a point I'd been making all along about multiple SKU's in the rankings, but people only seemed to suddenly notice last month).

Overall if anything Amazon seemed Xbox biased last month **

** All commentary assumes XB won by 7-10k units.
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If the direee
If Sony managed to sell 7-10 k less than the competition then that is an amazing feat and does show how strong PS4 is as a platform. The thing is a juggernaut if that's true.

Is it a successful failure or just failure?

Meaning; MS has done an incredible job of increasing the XB1 user-base during November… yet, failed to thwart PS4 movement within the U.S., given all the nice XB1 bundles and lower pricing.

Mind you, I’m not really looking for an answer… just posing a question of what is considered a failure.
Hmm, Xbox One sells 1.2 million consoles?? New data point?

This guy is a Microsoft insider guy and its probably, although I cant say 100%, reliable info.

Edit: Looks like the CBOAT thing we were flipping out about was incorrect

Originally Posted by CosmicQueso

I love cboat, but in this case he is not correct.

Cosmic is one of the GAF NPD number holders.

It's already been figured based in NPD's YoY PR that the max for PS4/X1 combined should be ~2m, so if Warren is correct, it could then be 1.2 X1 and 800k PS4 (warning, this is utter spitballing though).
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PS4 must have won BF by some big margin. Suprising. Also shows Amazon is only few percent of the market

Yeah this wasnt good with the deals Xbox had for the whole month and BF

I'm missing your logic. What data are you looking at that indicates that PS4 "won BF by some big margin"?

And how is the result of the One finally outselling the PS4 in NA and the UK not "good", and why are you not factoring in all the deals that were available on BF, the month of Nov, and ongoing for the PS4? Surely they aren't nearly as good comparatively to the One, but it's not like this wasn't also the best time to buy a PS4.
PS4 must have won BF by some big margin. Suprising. Also shows Amazon is only few percent of the market

Yeah this wasnt good with the deals Xbox had for the whole month and BF

I slightly disagree, amazon reflected BF moderately well. That GTAV bundle really came out of no where. There were 2 SKUs of PS4s vs the 1 Assassin's Creed Unity bundle. We watched as several SKUs jumped ahead and behind PS4 for the first 3 weeks of November, until BF and the GTAV bundle surpassed the PS4, and the PS4 had already beat out quite a few of the Xbox One bundles except for Unity.

Amazon actually represented a possible win for PS4, but at one point in time we did see that Xbox Bundles were outselling PS4 2:1, until that final week kicked in.
Holy crap if the pie chart on GAF is right then XB1 won by a huge amount. That would be a decent chunk of consoles to close the gap on install base in the US.
Creamsugar gave pie chart


One would assume X1 won fairly handily based on it.

Also, Creamsugar said "welcome new king of last gen". Translation, 360 overtook wii in NPD life to date (we knew it was due very soon, but this means it is official by NPD).

wii U must be the small slice? It was already worked out at 242k (though as usual,. I'm not sure what margin of error that number entails), so the others could be extrapolated. I'm sure GAF is already done with it as soon as I go back there and refresh.
It looks like this is as good a GAF aggregate pie estimate as any so far

Wii U 242k
PS4 850k~
Xbox One 1.25mill~

Probably around 400K knocked off the gap.

MS PR was remarkably subdued, I've had a suspicion lately that in order to keep his "nice guy" image Spencer told them to pipe down.

The complete lack of numbers in this months MS PR despite the gaudy win also feeds my other suspicion, that NPD itself has pretty much banned any numbers release by anybody at any point.

1.2m would be the best 2nd Nov with ease and I'll have to check but surely one of the best Nov's ever.

I dunno, it looks to me like this could easily shape up to be a short 5 year gen, especially for MS. The prices and mainstreaming of the hardware is already very advanced (for all players)only a little over a year in. Accounting for inflation, 399 and 349/329 are very mainstream price points already by historical perspective. Xone and PS4 could sell a ton in a very short time, and be replaced in just 5 years imo.

That is one advantage to mid range GPU's.
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