So Xbox One gain 400k last month on PS4 and can gain 400k, lets say, if things go well for them, this month. In that event, Sony's US lead will be down to ~300k.
Then we'll see how it goes after that, as One certainly had a pretty poor first 10 months of 2014, and one wonders are they really going to go back to 399 and no games??
Now they've started this drug, it's going to be hard to quit.
Wii U sales, what, up 10%? I guess it's a survivable system. Vita taught us a system apparently does not need to sell very much at all to stay on the market. Even so has to be disappointing for Nintendo, as at least I expected, their big software titles did little (and haven't since Gamecube).
For software, seems Unity bombed, DA:I bombed. MCC did not do as well as I anticipated.
I thought Xbone's November might be 2nd and near a record...not even close. Best Novembers I have:
Nov 08 Wii 2.04 million
Nov 11 360 1.7 million
Nov 10 X360 1.37 million
Nov 02 PS2 1.32 million
Nov 10 Wii 1.27 million
Nov 09 Wii 1.26 million
Nov 12 360 1.26 million
Nov 14 Xbox One 1.2-1.24 million (estimated)
PS2 surprisingly did not have a lot of huge Novembers.
I guess you could say X1's November was within range (within 200k) of all but a couple of those Novembers.